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“We should leave.” More fingers came into the mix as he cupped her cheek, slid them into the glorious thickness of her hair. His possessive touch cut off whatever protest she’d been about to make. “We’ve made our appearance. Now we can go.”

“It’s not that easy,” she said, her voice shaky as his fingers pressed into her scalp. Her eyes slid closed, lips pursed in dreamy rapture for the briefest moment before they flew open. “He expects a lot out of me.”

“Too much,” Jake said, leaning in closer so their breaths mingled. His gaze locked on her lips, he barely suppressed a groan when she licked at hers quickly with the pink swipe of her tongue. “You said so yourself.”

“I know, but…”

“But what?” Their lips almost touched; he felt hers move when she spoke. Knew she could feel his as well. “If we leave now, I promise you won’t regret it.”

“And how can you promise me that?” Was that a teasing lilt in her voice? Was she falling under the same spell and forgetting her responsibility for once?

“Let me take you back to your place and show you,” he offered, his voice husky, his libido ramped up at all the possibilities.

She blinked, her eyes wide. She was tempted, he could tell and he pressed his mouth to hers. A quick, teasing kiss she returned eagerly.

“That sounds like a promise I can’t resist,” she answered.

“Then let’s get the hell out of here.” He stood, their hands connected as they’d been since they first arrived. Had they even been there an hour? Yeah, he thought so, maybe even two hours. Long enough to put in the requisite time so they could bail.

And they were going to bail. He couldn’t wait to make good on the promise he just gave her. Take her back to her apartment and strip her clothes off. Run his mouth all over her delectable body until he had her gasping with pleasure.

Yeah, it was going to be good between the two of them. One date and he was sucked in.

Jake wondered if she felt the same inexplicable pull.

It was about time he did a little investigating to find out.

Chapter Four

Larry hadn’t looked very pleased when Mia explained they had to go. His gaze slid between her and Jake as she made her excuses, his expression an angry scowl. Almost as if he knew they were leaving to do something illicit in the middle of the afternoon.

Her boss would be right if he was making that assumption. The second they climbed into the truck Jake hauled her to him, his mouth fused with hers. The kiss had been brutal, possessive, delicious, wondrous. Like nothing she’d ever experienced before. She’d returned it with equal enthusiasm, her tongue wrapped around his, her hands buried in his silky soft hair as she held him to her.

Yes, she’d made out with a man she barely knew in her boss’s driveway. She could hardly recognize herself.

After a few lustful minutes they’d finally come to their senses and came up for air. With a quick kiss he pulled away from her and put the truck into gear then tore out of the driveway with a speed that surprised her. She remained silent in the passenger seat, stealing glances in his direction every few minutes. Admired his strong, handsome profile, the sharp angle of his nose and the sweet softness of his lips.

Her mouth still tingled from their fevered kiss. She touched them, noted their swollenness and she looked at him again. Realized the truck ha

d come to a stop at a red light and he was staring at her as if he wanted to devour her whole.

Moisture flooded her between her legs and she swallowed hard, tore her gaze from his.

What was happening between them? She’d known him…not quite two days. Their dinner date last night had been fun, the connection between them instant, the conversation easy. Hence, the reason she’d asked him to accompany her today.

But what they were experiencing at this very moment, this all-consuming heat it was…odd. Exhilarating. And undeniably exciting.

“If you don’t want to do this, just say so.” He sounded edgy, upset and she turned to find him staring straight ahead. His jaw rock hard, his hands gripping the steering wheel tight as he waited for the light to turn green.

“Wh—what do you mean?”

“You look upset. I shouldn’t have pushed you.”

“Maybe I pushed you.”

He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, his brows lowered. “You didn’t push me.”

Mia sighed. “I’m trying to tell you that I wanted this. That I still want this.” She immediately bit her lip, surprised she admitted it.
