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An old-fashioned word but it fit what with everything she’d heard about him the last few days.

Then he’d immediately backed off, got a puppy dog look in those gorgeous green eyes, and, just like every sucker-punched woman before her, she stumbled.

And fell.

She had no idea what came over her. Impulsiveness was not her style.

Spontaneous was not a word anyone would associate with her but she’d become so overwhelmed with the urge to just—get him somewhere. Alone.

The two of them wrapped up around each other…

Okay, she was crazy. Clutching his thick wrist with only her fingers was somehow making her entire body react, her nipples pebbled hard and tight beneath her bra, her skin positively on fire.

Yeah. She couldn’t even imagine what might happened if he set his hands on her bare skin and stroked her from head to toe. She might explode into tiny bits of ecstasy.

“Hey.” He turned his hand within her grip and clasped her arm with his long, strong fingers. They burned into her skin, making her shiver. “Where are you taking me?”

She glanced over her shoulder, saw the perplexed look on his face. Gosh, he was cute. “Hold on, almost there.”

The door to the left beckoned so she came to a halt, wrenched it open with her free hand and dragged him in after her. It was a supply closet, of course. Straight out of a clichéd movie, fooling around in the closet, but she didn’t care. Reaching around him, she slammed the door shut, the tiny space immediately shrouded with darkness.

“What are you—?”

She cut him off, reaching up and pressing two fingers against his plush mouth.

His lips were damp and full and just like that, her panties were wet. “Shut up.” His lips parted and a soft exhalation of breath brushed against her fingers.

Gripping his broad shoulder with her other hand, she stood on tiptoe, marveling at his height. He was a giant and so…big…

Dropping her hand from his mouth, she brushed her lips against his, a murmur of pleasure escaping her at first contact. He settled his hands on her waist, his gentle touch steadying her and she released a shaky breath.

“Do you usually pull innocent men into supply closets and kiss them?” His husky whisper made her shiver.

“No, not usually. And I’ve heard you’re not quite so innocent.” She gasped when he touched the tip of his tongue to the center of her upper lip.

“People in this hospital exaggerate.” He angled his head, his lips drifting across her cheek. She clutched both of his shoulders with shaky fingers, afraid she’d slither to the floor if she let go. “I’m not as bad as they say.”

“Maybe I’m looking for a bad boy.” Lanie sighed when he kissed her again. A dreamy, hot, deep kiss, his tongue slid against hers in a sensuous dance that had her entire body ready to melt into molten liquid.

Wes broke the kiss first. “Is that all you’re looking for?” She opened her eyes, could barely make out his features in the dark of the closet.

Outside real life continued to unfold. She heard a page call overhead, the sound of people walking by. They could get caught. It was dangerous, lingering in this closet. She’d end up with a less than stellar reputation, and he would have another notch on his supposed already full bedpost.

This is what happened to a woman who was desperate, she realized. Her thoughts had been consumed with him since the first moment they locked gazes. She was behaving like a complete slut and the funny thing was she didn’t care.

“Is it?”

Lanie blinked. What had he asked again? Her brain was fuzzy, her entire body spun tight from that one deli

cious kiss and she couldn’t find her tongue despite that she knew he waited for her answer.

“Because if it is,” he continued when she didn’t reply. “Then I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to disappoint you.”

He disengaged himself from her grip and without another word, walked out of the closet, leaving her inside.


Chapter Three
