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Her bold touch had much the same effect on him. “Eden,” he gasped, coming up to again seal their mouths in a molten kiss.

Caressing the lean length of his leg with one of her own, she reveled in the brute strength of him. Where she was soft and yielding, he was hard. His head dipped, and again her breasts were subjected to sweet torment. Gently, his fingers brushed their sides as he suckled, intensifying the sensation until she groaned and clutched at him.

“Percy,” she whispered, unable to stand any more. “Please!”

Laughing softly, he reared up until he knelt between her thighs. “There are many paths to paradise, Eden. I’ll show you them all if you will trust me. But it takes time. Do you trust me?”

Breathless, she nodded. Disappointment pricked her as he stood and went to where her wrapper had fallen to the floor, and reached down to pick it up. Returning, he removed the sash from the garment and held it up.

“Give me your hands, my darling. I cannot have them wandering over me lest I lose control,” he said with the lopsided smile she so adored. “I do so wish to take my time with you.”

Despite her trepidation, she did as he bade, holding her hands out before her. There was nothing she wouldn’t do when he asked her thus. A thrill ran through her as he bound her wrists together.

It wasn’t at all tight, but it nevertheless felt…restrictive. She shivered as he raised her hands above her head and held them there while gazing down at her. Embarrassment mingled with an adrenaline rush. She was utterly vulnerable, completely at his mercy.

“Oh, Eden. You should see yourself,” he breathed, his eyes glowing with lustful approval. “You are so beautiful. Your name is true to your nature, for you are indeed a garden of delight. Drop your knees, my sweet, and let me show you how good a gardener I am.”

With a violent tremor of want, she again opened herself to him. Keeping her wrists imprisoned above her head with one hand, he lifted her pelvis with the other, resting her buttocks atop his thighs. Then he trailed the fingers of his free hand lightly across her aching womanhood.

The tickling of his swirling fingertips made her feel as though she were drowning. So sensitive was her flesh after what he’d already done to it that the slightest feather brushing elicited a whimper. She bucked against his hand, letting out a low, shameless moan as he

slid a digit into her slick depths.

If this is sin, then let me burn! Moan after moan escaped her, and she didn’t care. She didn’t care if the whole bloody house heard her. The tension began to coil within her yet again, mounting slowly until she ached and her skin felt fired as by a fever. When he stopped, she let out a small, feral noise of frustration. She could do nothing, however, for he still held her bound wrists. The pressure of his hand atop them was an exciting irritant.

A chuckle of appreciation parted his lips as he gazed down at her. “Oh, my darling, this is but a foretaste of what I have in store for you.” Lifting his hand, he sampled again the glistening evidence of her desire, his lashes drifting down to veil his eyes as he savored it, savored her. “Yours is a sweetness unlike anything I’ve ever tasted. I want more. And I want to watch you come again.”

Desire stabbed through her like a white-hot lance at his bold admission. Again, she attempted to free herself, so as to rise up and urge him to finish what he’d started.

Shaking his head, he shot her a wicked grin. “No, my dear. We are nowhere near the end.” He inched closer, hovering over her, and dropped his voice to a whisper. “I will make you come for me again and again until your fountain runs dry, until you forget all but my name.” Leaning down, he nuzzled a breast, drawing in a nipple and suckling it hard for a moment before releasing it with a gentle pop.

Eden squirmed as a rush of renewed heat flooded her and her breathing grew uneven. He eased upward, wedging himself against her so temptingly close, the few inches separating them frustrating her almost to the point of tears.

A whimper slipped out before she could stop it, and she felt his muscles tense. He was just as desirous as she, yet he held back, restrained himself. For a moment, she was envious. She didn’t know how to stem the tide of her want.

“You wished me to make you my own, did you not?” he asked, kissing her jaw and trailing his lips across her cheek. The pressure of his weight upon her wrists above as he moved sent another bolt of pleasure through her. She nodded, reduced to speechlessness.

“I will, slowly and thoroughly,” he promised. “And when I’m done, there will not be an inch of you I have not explored and enjoyed. You will be mine in every sense of the word. My name will live in your memory, on your lips, and in your flesh forever. No man will ever be able to erase it.”

The hoarse determination in his voice told her he intended to deliver on his vow. Arching her back, she begged him silently to do so, knowing what lay in store for her was both agony and delight.

Smiling, he accepted her offering and again bent over her.

When the fire had burned low and its flames were guttering, when her body was all but spent, when she whispered his name in helpless need and abandon, then and only then did he release her from her bonds.

Clasped in the cradle of her quivering thighs, he rose above her and positioned himself. Taking her pliant mouth in a surprisingly tender kiss, he drove into her in one swift, gliding thrust, eased by the abundant, slick nectar of her pleasure.

She tensed at the sudden, blinding pain as her maidenhead gave way, as he buried his thick shaft deep inside her throbbing core and lay there motionless, his body hovering above hers like a taut bowstring. The heat and fullness of him inside her was a new sensation, one that was both pain and bliss. It felt as though he touched the very center of her being.

Tears gathered and spilled over unbidden, trailing from the corners of her eyes down into the hair at her temples. But it wasn’t pain that made her weep. So beautiful was Percy there above her, his dark eyes staring into her with such tenderness and passion that, for a moment, just a moment, she let herself believe he loved her as much as she did him. Lifting her hands from where she had just scored his shoulders with her nails, she framed his face and arched up to kiss his mouth.

Down below, she felt a surge as he hardened anew within her, his cock swelling yet more, stretching her another increment. Slowly, he began to move, rocking her gently back and forth until her body and his followed the same rhythm. Desire soon overshadowed the pain, flooding her once more with pleasurable sensation.

The delectable tension returned and built inside her until, with a hoarse cry, she gave up trying to hold it back. Crest after crest of unparalleled ecstasy crashed over and through her as her whole body seized in pure delight.

Again and again she clenched around his hardness, her moans drowned by the sound of his own cry as he thrust hard into her once more and remained there. Beneath her hands his muscles bunched and quivered. Then, deep inside, in the place where they were joined, she felt a new heat, eliciting another series of spasms even stronger than before.

The room spun, the world turned upside down, and she pulled at his shoulders, dragging him down. The solidity of him atop her was an alien comfort. And yet it felt so right, so familiar, to have his weight borne by her fragility, his hot, damp skin against hers until she couldn’t tell his flesh from her own. His breath came fast and uneven, his heart pounded against hers.

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