Page 40 of Rogue Hearts

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There was one possibility that he wasn’t sure he wanted to think about.

Thunder roared above him just before rain started to fall down. Even as he got soaked, he couldn’t force himself to move away from the building.

She couldn’t be. Then he remembered all the times they had been together. Passionate and scorching. Also unprotected.

He finally forced his seat to walk and stopped the first cab.

Andrei tried calling her phone, but the call went straight to voicemail. She must’ve turned her phone off. He gave to the cab driver directions to her building.

He almost forgot to pay the cab driver, since he was in such a rush to see her. He was close to going in, and he’d even gotten his hand on the door. Then he realized he was soaked to the bone and disheveled like a madman. He couldn’t go in like that, not at her place of work and embarrass her.

There was no way he could have her angry at him again, so he stopped himself from making a fool out of him and her. Maybe two drinks were too much for the daytime.

Andrei went home and took a cold shower to wake his ass up and regain focus. He would’ve gone for a run if the weather had been good and not a rainy hell.

If she had gone to that doctor for the reason he suspected, he needed a clear head to confront her about it. Thoughts still hit him like punches. He felt like a punch-drunk boxer.

Waiting was another form of torture that he never got used to. Even though his experience as a lawyer had forced him to be a patient man, he wasn’t very patient and couldn’t see that ever changing.

When the clock struck five, he tried her phone again, hoping should pick up this time. His hope shattered, and this time it was his turn to be upset.

If she was pregnant, wouldn’t she have called him by now? Hell, she should’ve told him she was going to see the doctor in the first place. He would’ve been there to support her just like any real man should. It didn’t matter that being a father again scared him to death. If Victoria was pregnant, he was going to be there for his child and for her.

Fuck waiting. He was going over there, and he was going to camp outside her door until she answered.

He got out of the taxi five blocks before her building so he could walk off the pent up energy that coursed through his veins. He hit the buzzer on her door and waited. When he didn’t hear any movement inside, he used his fist to bang on her door. He banged nonstop, until he heard her voice from the other side.

“All right. I’m coming, I’m coming.” She opened the door before she realized who he was. “No,” she said. “I can’t see you right now.”

She tried to close the door, but he put his foot to stop it from shutting. “We need to talk, and we need to talk now.” He opened the door and pushed through.

“I did not invite you in. You can leave.”

“Why did you go to see Dr. Jacob James today?”

She looked at him for a minute. “How did you know that?”

“I saw you come out of his office earlier.”

“What the…were you following me? I told you I needed space, Andrei. That doesn’t give you the right to go all stalker-crazy on me.”

“First, you don’t get to avoid the question. I saw you because that doctor’s office is on the same street as my friend’s bar. I saw you when I came out.”

“Bar? Are you drunk?”

“Enough with acting like a prosecutor, Victoria. Answer the damn question!”

She crossed her arms, and she looked pissed. Gorgeous as all hell, but her face was full of the fury of a woman who wasn’t in the mood to be played with. “You need to take that tone way down before I even consider answering you.” Her eyes were spitting fire at him.

He couldn’t help the hard-on that pressed against his pants, seeing her so beautiful and angry. A deep urge to kiss her rushed him, but he knew she’d only push him away or slap him if he tried. His woman was definitely working him up, but a part of him liked seeing the emotion pouring off of her. It wasn’t like the fighting he had with his ex that only fueled his annoyance. Victoria had a way of making him want her while he was still angry, and that made the anger dissipate. How could this woman make him so frustrated and still make him crave her? His woman. He’d already saw her as his, and whether she knew it or not, she was going to be his. He’d already lost himself to her, even if she wanted to keep their baby a secret.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I don’t want to be angry with you. It’s just after seeing you leave there and not being able to call you, it has me riled up.”

She sighed. “My phone died on me, and I left my charger here. I wasn’t trying to block your calls. I didn’t even know you tried to contact me. Even though we said you’d give me a few days, I would’ve answered if my phone hadn’t died.”

“I think seeing you going to that doctor makes the scheduled break fly out the damn window. You’re not getting space right now. Why didn’t you call me right after?”

“I told you my phone was dead.”
