Page 55 of Rogue Hearts

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“Nothing to do. She wants to keep it, and I want it. I want her, too. I’m in love with her.”

“Well, you seem sure about this.”

“I am. I’ve never been more certain about anything. I know I want her and the baby in my life no matter what.”

“Then congratulations! I think it’s great. You have a beautiful woman and a baby on the way.” He

lifted his beer. “Here’s to them!”

Andrei lifted his glass, but he wasn’t in a celebratory mood.

“What’s the problem now?”

“As much as I want her, I think she’s having doubts.”

“About what?”

“Us. Everything. I gave her a key to my place. She took it, but you should have seen her face. That woman is not used to people taking care of her.”

“Just like you’re not used to a woman who wants to take care of herself.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Trish had moments of being nice, but she was clingy as a leech. Remember that time we were supposed to go to Atlantic City for my birthday? You couldn’t go because she didn’t want to be in the house alone all weekend. Now, you got to get used to someone who’s not like that.”

“Where are you going with this?”

“Ease her into this. Although you probably want to watch over her all the time, you may have to slow it down for her. You’re moving pretty fast.”

“Then I guess you’re not going to like what I did before that.”

“What else is there, man?”

“I invited her to meet my family next weekend when we go out to the main house. She agreed to that at least.”

“So much for going slow.” Erik shook his head, but he smiled while doing it. “I’ve haven’t seen you like this before.”

“Like what?”

“Happy and a nervous wreck all at once.” Erik rubbed his chin. “No. I take that back. I’ve seen you like this twice before.”

“And when was that?”

Erik stared at him, waiting for him to get it.

It didn’t take him long to get where his friend was going. “When Asya and Naida were born.”

“Bingo. You were a joyful, jittery mess. Couldn’t stand you. One minute you were a proud papa and the next you were worried about ruining their lives because of the long work hours you put in. This time is different though.”

“Yeah? How so?”

“The way you talk about your new girl, you seem content. You didn’t do that with Trish.”

“This feels different. Trish and I dated so long that it only made sense to get married. As much as I cared about her, I never felt like this with her.”

“Did you tell Victoria that?”

“I told her I loved her.”
