Page 4 of Tangled Up in You

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She’d finished the bowl and cleaned her face sometime later, deciding to shoot Maria a text and update her on the Seth development. Both she and Maria had quickly developed the habit of playing around on social media. It gave Maria a chance to be silly without the family laughing at her, and it gave Kayla a friend to talk to without having to change out of her rock star pajamas. She was laughing at some goofy memes one of her favorite writers, S.L. Carpenter, had posted. They counted on him to make them howl with laughter or groan at his terrible jokes.

“You do know Seth’s been single for a while don’t you? Ever since his wife bailed on him and they divorced he’s been taking care of his daughter and that’s about all.”

“I went over to his page and didn’t see much there but photos of his kids.”

“Waste of a man if you ask me. Looking like that and no woman to take advantage of him, hint hint. All that pent-up sexual mojo just begging to be released.”

“Oh it’s not gonna be like that Maria. Nobody’s gonna release any mojo, sexual or otherwise. We’re just going to dinner and we’ll be catching up on old times. You know. Talking.”

“Uh huh. Oh sure, yep, that sounds good. Or would if I believed in the bullshit fairy. You know if you don’t use it your hymen will grow back and you’ll be a virgin again.”

“That’s crap and you know it.”

“Yep, just like you are only going out to dinner with Seth to catch up.”

“Touché, la mejor amiga, it will be nice to go out and simply have a good time. Been a while.”

“Well I expect all the horny details. And your Spanish is getting better. Points for throwing in a French word there. By the way, I want to know if the rumors are true.”

“Rumors? What rumors?”

“You didn’t know? All the girls were curious about Seth. He was rated an eight overall when he was married. We want to know if that was a rating of his looks, his personality, his car or a measurement of his polla.”

“My Spanish isn’t that good. Dare I ask?”

“Google it. Just have fun, chica.”

“I CAN DO THIS. I can do this. Hello Kayla, I’m really happy you agreed to go out. No, that sounds stupid. Hey baby you want to hook up? No, that sounds desperate.” Seth continued talking to himself, not waiting for an answer.

“Hey Kayla, can I worship you and smear chocolate syrup over your naked flesh and lick it off? Too soon?” The thoughts and nerves were making him flustered. “Hey babe, I left a blowjob at your place, can I stop by and get it later?”

Since he clearly needed expert advice, he decided to ask his most trusted ally and partner in crime. His penis. Being a man, he’d been through a lot of drama and issues with the opposite sex and Henry had been there for him the whole time, so it was only right that he should be consulted.

Henry was a stand-up guy and never let him down. Almost never, anyway. He might have accidentally ended a few sessions early, but that was because of drinking or overexcitement. He tended to be temperamental and had a mind of his own on some occasions.

Their inner dialogue took over.

Yes, Henry, you remember Kayla. We had quite a few what you might call happy memories about her. But now? Now we’ve hit the big time. It’s been a while and we really need to remain calm. Be cool, don’t expect anything and stay cool under pressure. Do not do anything crazy.

Seth paused. Don’t do anything crazy like talk to your dick for advice on a date. Shit. I’m in deep trouble.

KAYLA FELT LIKE A KID again when Seth rested his hand on hers as they drove. She really liked it, and it served as a subtle gesture reminding her of what it was like to be a woman once more. She’d had her share of men grabbing at her and talking dirty and acting like total dickheads.

Dinner was amazing. The restaurant was dimly lit, with small electric candles flickering on each table in the middle of different colored flower arrangements and soft romantic music could just about be heard over the clink of china and the soft conversations. It had a great atmosphere and Kayla couldn’t help but look around at the elegance and the other couples enjoying themselves. Outside was the city, but inside it was a tiny little oasis of calm.

Vegas was always a feast for the eyes; the flashing lights and sounds of the slot machines, the jackpot bells sounding throughout the entire casino. and a crazy neon décor. Even the escorts were perfectly dressed in their skin tight, ass grabbing skirts and stilettos. She’d smiled at it all as they’d walked to the restaurant, and she felt so happy as she looked across the table at Seth.

Now there are men who are ultra-cool and can pull off all the suave and sexy looks and throw in a few come hither stares. Seth wasn’t one of them. He was devouring his steak like a caveman who hadn’t eaten in a month. He mumbled as he chewed, and was oblivious to his surroundings. Kayla wasn’t sure if he needed a napkin or a bib.


Trying to ignore that thought, Kayla took a bite of her own meal, chewed and then swallowed. It was time for some conversation. “Hannah is a beautiful little girl, Seth. Mind if I ask what happened between you and her mom?”

He wiped his face with his napkin, leaning back with a contented sigh. “The usual story. Her mom wasn’t who I thought she was.” He paused. “You remember Kirsten Williams?”

Kayla thought back, then took a breath. “I remember her.” She tried to keep her teeth from grinding, because yeah, she remembered Kirsten all too well. She was always telling the other girls how to make a man your slave. She was pretty, outgoing, and made the hair on most women’s necks stand up whenever she walked into the room. Her personality was that of a narcissist and a user of people in the worst way. She was, basically, a cunt.

“After I got back from college we started dating. Then she got pregnant. It wasn’t intentional, but I thought we were in love and I asked her to marry me. She said yes and we went to Vegas for a small wedding. Things were good for a while, until she got bored with all the responsibilities and actual drama of having kids and not being free.”
