Page 5 of Tangled Up in You

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Seth sighed then continued. “I don’t understand people at times. She had a beautiful house, an amazing child and I adored her. But it wasn’t enough for her, so she left. Just left. She met some guy online, packed up her shit, and called me at work to remind me to get Hannah. I got home to find the house half empty and divorce papers on the kitchen table. Marrying her was easily the biggest mistake I ever made—except for one thing. Hannah.” He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of his daughter.

“She is an adorable little girl.”

“She’s a handful at times, but she is my light. She makes me feel like I’m okay even when I’m not.”

“Is Kirsten still in her life?”

“She’s living here in Vegas now. She’s got a decent condominium I paid for in the settlement, and Hannah goes there for a few days every month. I wasn’t keen on the arrangement, but you know lawyers. And to be honest, she is Hannah’s mother. I had to think about her, and how she needed to see her mom now and again.” He stopped, took a drink, and then shook his head.

“Kirsten got herself a live-in boyfriend, by the name of Dominic. He strikes me as a complete asshole. He drinks, I’m pretty certain he’s hit Kirsten, and I don’t like Hannah being there. And that’s where she is right now. God, I hate that part but as I said, that’s how it is. Hannah doesn’t like it much either these days, because she sits in her room and plays games and sometimes her Mom ignores her.” He looked at Kayla. “I’m sorry. You probably don’t want to hear all my troubles poured out as a side to your steak.”

Kayla smiled. “It’s better than being alone with my own troubles, Seth. Believe me. So how about a change of subject. You wanna fool around?”

“Uhh, yeah, duh...”

“Good to see you’re still the old Seth in some areas. Mention sex and bad moods are out the window.”

He chuckled. “Ahhh, so you were teasing me again. I see. Just like old times.”

They shared grins, enjoyed the meal and spent the rest of the time reminiscing about the old days, both good and bad. She told him about her new job, and he told her that Maria had invited him to the cookout the next day. She was going to be there too.

She smiled across the table, happy, relaxed and knowing that the date was going well. The drive wasn’t bad, even for Vegas, and they laughed and listened to old songs that brought back crazy memories. Even though they were older now, and both had been through a lot, they slipped easily back into their roles as the closest of friends, without benefits.

It occurred to her toward the end of their meal that one of the most impressive things about Seth was the fact that he never dug his phone out of his pocket and checked his email. He focused his attentions on her. And his steak. Man, he could eat. A dirty little thought ran through her head as she wondered if he was this passionate when eating other things.

Seth had moved into dessert mode, talking her into sharing a dish of tiramisu, and busily inhaling his half, when he looked up at her, and paused with his spoon halfway to his mouth. Her eyes were locked on something behind him. He turned, but all he could see were people wandering around in the casino outside the restaurant.

“What’s wrong?”

Kayla blinked and looked down at her lunch. “Nothing, I thought I saw something.”

“You don’t look okay. What was it? What did you see?”

“It was...”

She never got the chance to finish her sentence.

“Well, well, well. Look who’s here having a good time. Hello, sexy.” A man’s voice sounded behind him and obviously upset Kayla. He watched her lift her chin and put down her coffee cup carefully into the saucer.

“Hello Evan.”

“So, who’s the new guy? This your next victim?” The man moved up next to Kayla.

Seth wasn’t sure if he should get up and stick his steak knife into this asshole’s neck or keep quiet. So he decided to shoot for something in between.

“Hey bud, we’re enjoying our evening. Why don’t you do the same? I’m sure you can find yourself a crack whore to take care of you.” Then he eased away from the table and rose to his feet.

Evan wasn’t the smartest of characters, and hadn’t noticed that the guy slurping tiramisu was actually six inches taller and at least thirty pounds heavier than him. Those thirty pounds were muscle.

He looked up at Seth and did his best to puff out his inadequate chest. It was a failed attempt but he didn’t want to back down.

“I’m in a good mood and I would prefer not to make a scene. Kayla obviously doesn’t want you here, so how about you go back out the way you came in, before I drag you out.” Seth smiled. “By the balls. Assuming you have ‘em.” He sat back down. He fought his anger, but under the table his fists clenched as waited for Evan to shoot off his mouth and say something else.

“Well Kayla, I’ll be contacting you about that money you owe me, and those other items you stole.” With a smirk he looked over to Seth. “Be careful with this one, stud. She may be a great fuck, but she’ll rip your heart out.”

“I’M SORRY ABOUT THAT. That’s my ex and I had no idea he’d be here. I am so...”

“Hey, it doesn’t matter. He’s gone. I’m having a good time with a beautiful woman and don’t need some ex-fucktard to ruin it. He’s nothing, and that’s how I’ll treat it. Unless I should be worried?”
