Page 2 of Dark Lust

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Feeling the stretching as you plunge deeper and deeper.

Warming when you throb inside of me as you come.

Filling me with the essence of your body makes me have a part of you.

Telling me I fulfill you and satisfy your dreams.

Fantasizing you’re with me as my hand touches between my thighs.

Knowing we’ll be together again so I can feel your love.

Being lucky you love me even though you’re hers.

Knowing we’ll be together after this weekend.

Making me ache to have it be sooner.

Loving you, knowing you have decided to pick me.

Making me want you more and have you be mine.

I love you.


Tears filled Debbie’s eyes and her heart ached. She felt ashamed and suddenly nauseous. In her heart, she had believed Jerry would never cheat on her, but as every woman questions when she gets older, she’d asked herself “Does his eye wander?”

Obviously, Jerry’s had—and so had his dick.

Debbie sat dumbfounded and utterly stunned. This did explain a few things though. The late nights at work, the times he was just too tired, the reason his penis seemed to be more shriveled…

Now the embarrassment and shame of it started to become rage and anger. It turned into a violation of her, both in body and in heart. She felt betrayed and disrespected and above all, fucking pissed off.

Debbie didn’t take lies well, especially about something so close to the heart. This was a vow, like “thou shalt not kill”.

Only now, it was something more precious to her. If he’d slept with another woman, that meant he’d comp

ared some slut’s body to hers.

Payback was a bitch. Unleash the fury of a woman scorned, and pay the price.

* * * * *

Whistling happily, Jerry pulled up into the driveway and walked through the back door into the kitchen. He set his keys on the counter and looked up to see…a frying pan.

It hit him square on the nose, shattering the cartilage and causing him to careen backwards and hit his head on the counter. Blood spurted from his nostrils. Before he could get himself up, Debbie hit him again, this time on his temple, causing his eye to close and a large welt to start forming as he fell to the floor.

“NOBODY CHEATS ON ME YOU WORTHLESS FUCKING BASTARD!” Debbie screamed as she kicked Jerry in the nuts, causing blinding flashes of light through his brain. Rage, passion and pain all seemed to be cascading through her as she unleashed her emotional turmoil on Jerry’s frail body.

“Eighteen years, eighteen fucking years I gave you and this is how you repay me?” Tears fell from Debbie’s eyes as she confronted Jerry, lying bleeding, on the floor. “Who is she? Who’s this SLUT you were fucking in OUR bed? I sure the hell hope she was worth it because you… NOBODY screws with me. I’m gonna take you to the cleaners, buddy!”

Jerry reached to grab the countertop and Debbie kicked his arm, producing a crack that sent the bone protruding out of the skin above his wrist and making Jerry tumble back down to the floor.

Blood spilled from his broken nose as he tried to prop himself up, but Debbie kicked his elbow loose causing Jerry to fall on his face. She put her knee in his back, making him whimper and gasp. She pressed him to the floor and pulled on his ear with her teeth, as she began to unleash her fury.

“You know your friend, Jack? Well, I heard he was well-endowed but I couldn’t find out because I was married to your sorry ass. But at last year’s Christmas dinner I followed him into the executive lounge and gave him a mind-melting blowjob.”

She paused for breath. Jerry could only whimper.
