Page 3 of Dark Lust

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“He had such a big cock I could barely take it all in my mouth. He had me so damn horny that I fingered myself as I sucked him off because I wanted to fuck him so bad. My hand was soaked because he made me so wet. I let him lick my slippery fingers as he blew his load into my mouth.” She wouldn’t stop.

“For an added bonus, I swallowed instead of spitting like I do for you. He tasted so sweet. So that wasn’t cake frosting you picked off my blouse and ate that night.” Her words tore through his heart as she bit the tip of his ear and ripped the flesh on the lobe making Jerry wince in pain and sympathize with Evander Holyfield.

He struggled to get up again and Debbie poked her heel into the top of his hand, forcing it down with all her might. He swore he could feel the tendons break under the pressure of her heel.

As Jerry’s hand burned, she kneeled down beside him and whispered into his ear. “You remember how you always wanted anal sex and I wouldn’t let you? Well at your brother’s birthday party, when you got drunk and passed out, I let your brother fuck me up the ass for a present. He really is your BIG brother. We were in your old room and on the twin bed you had when you were a kid. You always get so stupid when you drink and you pissed me off. It was like I was a virgin again. It hurt so much, I felt as if I was torn in half but I came so fuckin’ hard I thought I would pass out.”

Jerry rolled onto his back as Debbie kicked his side. The blood streamed from his nose and his eye was still swelling from the collision with the frying pan.

“As for this?” Debbie grabbed her crotch. “This has always been just yours. For some twisted fucking reason, I never let anyone violate my pussy but you. What an idiot I was to believe this hot, wet, sexual haven was sacred to our wedding vows! Faking all those orgasms, putting up with your little dick and never letting another man eat me out or fuck me properly, is gonna be a thing of the past. This pussy is going to get a workout!”

Jerry blacked out as Debbie kicked him in the balls with the pointed toes of her shoes.

Their daughter Trisha came into the house and screamed when she saw her dad lying on the floor, bleeding and moaning in pain.

“What the hell happened, Mom?” yelled Trisha, horrified.

“Your dad was cheating on me, dear. I caught him.”

“Dad would never cheat on you! Where’d you get an idea like that?”

Debbie held up the note crumpled in her hand.

Startled, Trisha looked at it. “Mom! This is the letter I wrote to my boyfriend Paul. Where did you find it?”

The Right Time

For four months, Alfonso passed the Carlotto restaurant on his way to work. His bus would slow down sometimes for a red light and he would have the privilege of seeing a real-life dream.

At 12:25 p.m. each day, he would see HER sitting at the same table, on the sidewalk veranda of the establishment. Who was she? Where did she work? How’d she get her legs to curve like that, causing Alfonso to uncontrollably drool on himself? He’d stare out the window of the bus every day and become lost in her beauty.

She was stunning.

In a strange way, she had become an infatuation to him. Her long, soft, blonde hair floated on the breeze, almost like it was resting on the wings of an angel. She always wore a skirt that tantalized Alfonso’s mind with fantasies of those long legs beneath it wrapped around his hips as they made passionate love.

Her lips—God he loved her luscious lips. They would surround and embrace each bite of food. She’d lick them and chew slowly. A sheen of moisture across them shimmered in the sunlight. Alfonso could only imagine kissing her, let alone having those moist wet lips wrapped around other parts of his anatomy that suddenly awoke to his mind’s impure thoughts.

Then there were her eyes. Blue as a clear summer sky, every now and then he caught a glimpse of them looking towards him when his bus would stop to pick up a passenger. And he would become lost in the realm of his dreams.

Alfonso was an average guy. He was about six feet tall, two hundred pounds, had a darker Hispanic tone to his skin and lived in a very nice home near the city…with his senile mother. He habitually masturbated while watching Scooby-Doo cartoons and fantasizing about Velma.

He was generally shy around women because his last few escapades had been disasters.

There was the online liaison with the French lingerie model who had turned out to be his aunt. Then there had been the woman he picked up in a bar during his company Christmas party. She ended up being a vice cop and had arrested him for soliciting her for a blowjob and only offering her twenty dollars. He wasn’t sure if it was the proposition or the fact he only offered twenty bucks that had made her upset.

Alfonso had dreamed of just happening by and starting a conversation or inviting this angel woman to dinner. Something to make her notice him and distinguish him from the millions of other men she obviously entranced with her beauty.

He knew it was just a fantasy. Many nights he would be alone in his bed, dreaming of her, only to end up bolting to the bathroom with a jar of hand lotion in one hand and a hard-on in the other.

The next morning he awoke and made a decision. He was going to meet her. Even if she snubbed him and treated him like a three-day old soiled condom, thrown into the dirt then buried by a cat, it would be worth it to just say hello and see her.

He had the day off and would do it. Meet her. It was his fate—it was his time. In a perfect world, she would see him, sense the attraction, ask him to join her, and then ravage him in the men’s room.

What should he say? What should he do? How would he hide his hard-on that would instantly pop up if she even so much as looked at him?

Alfonso walked down the street to Carlotto’s restaurant. His trench coat kept him warm and conveniently hid his perpetual boner out of sight. His only worry was that he might be mistaken for a bank robber with a pistol in his pocket…a small pistol.

Checking out the street, he saw a flower shop directly across from the restaurant. He’d never really noticed it as
