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“I look forward to peeling you out those layers once we get to our tower.”

That piqued her interest, as he put the car into drive and started to move down the long drive and out of the forest the castle was in.

“Tower, as in a real tower, like this castle?” she asked.

Logan glanced at her, deftly avoided a pothole, and smiled.

“Better than that, this one is medieval and retains many of its original charms. Don’t worry, I arranged for all our clothes, etc. to be sent on ahead.” He glanced her way again, and the heat in his expression took her breath away. “Not that you’ll need many clothes once we’re there. In fact, keeping you naked the entire time has definite appeal.” He winked at her, and sexually charged silence fell between them. Really, what could she say to that?

Logan glanced her way occasionally, and when she didn’t say anything, flicked the cd player on. Mellow jazz music filled the space, and Hannah sighed and relaxed into the plush heated seating.

“That okay? Or you can choose something else.”

Hannah smiled at the complex man she was now married to and shook her head.

“No, this is perfect. I just hadn’t had you pegged for a jazz man,” she said. Her gaze lingered on the tats on his arms, and Logan gave a short laugh.

“Let me guess, you had me pegged as heavy rock metal?”

“Guilty as charged, I’m sorry.” She bit her lip, and Logan’s gaze snared on that movement, before he turned his attention back to the winding country roads. “I, of all people, should know not to judge people by appearances.”

Logan shifted up a gear, as they hit a straight stretch of road, and frowned.


“Oh, nothing.” Hannah attempted a nonchalant shrug, and the man next to her growled. A proper, deep animalistic growl, which made her clit tingle in need and forced a gasp from her.

“Really, girl. Do we have to start our honeymoon with a punishment?” She jerked, and she knew her mouth had fallen open at his statement, while her insides did the merry God-yes-please-dance. “As much as I enjoy turning your ass red, I had other plans, but if you insist on being naughty, I guess it’s just as well I packed my favorite paddle.”

He fixed her with a stern glance before the road took his attention, and Hannah barely resisted the urge to fan herself.

“A paddle?” Her question came out as a cross between a squeak and moan. How attractive, not. Logan merely shrugged, and she forced the next few words out past the sudden lump in her throat. “Are you into all of that then? I mean the whole spanking thing is hot, but…” She couldn’t bring herself to continue, all too aware how little she really knew about him.

“Not really. I dabble, that’s all. Like you say it’s hot in the bedroom. I’m rather a dab hand at ropes, if that’s something you’d like to try, but I don’t need it, if that’s what you’re asking of me. It just adds some spice, that’s all, if my partner is into some kinky fun, shall we say.”

The unspoken question hung between them, and Hannah swallowed hard at the wickedly sexy images that immediately bombarded her brain.

“Ropes sound fun,” she finally said, and Logan’s hand tightened on the steering wheel.

“Good to know, little dove, but I still need an answer as to what you meant by your original comment of not judging people by their appearances. There’s a story there, and as we have a good hour’s drive ahead of us yet, I want to hear it. Spill, or so help, me, I’ll pull over in the next layby, bend you over the hood of my car, and spank that butt of yours until you do tell me.”

Hannah shifted on her seat and shook her head.

“You wouldn’t dare…”

Another of those dark looks and she had her answer as surely as the verbal confirmation he gave,

“Try me, Hannah.”

“No thanks,” her murmured response made him laugh, and she reluctantly opened up.

“It’s just, I wasn’t exactly popular in school.”

Logan sighed.

“Is anyone, really? I suppose some folks are, but they seem few and far between.”

Hannah nodded and looked him over.
