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“What’s different about you?” Ramona’s scowl cleared and a smile slowly curved her full, red lips. “You’re wearing makeup. And you bought new clothes. That sweater’s not your usual drab color. Trying to hold on to your man?”

Megan ignored her. “Why didn’t you stay in New York? What happened?”

Ramona’s smile vanished. She rose from her seat. “I’ve told you before. I wasn’t ready to stay in the city then.”

“Are you ready now?”

Ramona didn’t answer. She just turned and walked out of Megan’s office, leaving behind a cloud of Chanel No. 5.

Was Ean just biding his time with Megan until he and Ramona could return to New York?

The question was a poisonous whisper in her mind. No way could Ean make love to her as he did last night if he was still interested in Ramona. She knew the two of them would never get back together. And she was starting to believe Ean would not return to New York. Then where had those doubts come from?

Doreen rushed into her office, distracting Megan from those worries. “What did Ramona want? We saw her walk into the store as smug as the cat with the canary. Now she looks like I could fry an egg on her head.”

Megan kneaded her shoulder with her right hand, trying to work out the knots of tension. “She warned me against challenging her in the election.”

Doreen frowned. “Did you tell her you weren’t running against her?”

“I didn’t see the point. Just because I’m not running doesn’t mean I don’t want someone else to.”

“Like who?”

“How about you?” Megan watched Doreen closely for her reaction.

Doreen’s eyes grew wide. She gripped the back of the visitor’s chair. “You think I should run for mayor?”

“Why do you sound so surprised?” Megan wrapped her hands around her mug of coffee. It was cool to her touch.

Doreen’s mouth opened and closed several times before words came out. “It’s just not something I ever considered.”

“Would you consider it now?”

Doreen looked shocked, but she didn’t seem as though she’d refuse the proposition. She sank into the chair and was silent for several moments. Finally she raised her head and met Megan’s gaze. “Let me think it over.”

Megan’s shoulders relaxed. “Of course. But keep in mind that the deadline for challengers to register is Monday. December ninth is ninety days from the primary.”

“All right.” Doreen rose. She fussed with her clothes unnecessarily. “Do you think I’d make a good mayor?”

Megan smiled. “I do. If I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t have asked you to consider running.”

Doreen’s face glowed with pleasure. “Thank you, Megan. That means a lot to me.”

Megan watched her friend walk out of her office. There was a spring in Doreen’s step, an extra energy and confidence in her carriage.

She hoped her friend decided to run for office. She also hoped Ean supported his mother’s decision. If not, regardless of whether Doreen won the election, Megan feared both mother and son would lose.


Doreen led Leonard into the family room Thursday evening. She settled onto the thick rose-colored sofa, but it was hard to remain still. Her muscles trembled with excitement.

“Tell me about your day.” She watched him set the tray with their mugs of hot tea and cookies on the coffee table. How would he react to her news? Would he pepper her with questions? Wrap her in a bear hug?

Leonard was a tall, fit man. Her muscles quivered again when she thought of where their evening could lead after her announcement.

He settled beside her. His brown eyes twinkled, deepening the creases around them. “You’re the one who’s glowing. What’s going on?”

Doreen’s grin sprang free. “Megan suggested I run for mayor. Can you believe it?” Her voice rose to a squeak of excitement.

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