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Ms. Helen looked away. “I’ll think about it. I’m not making any promises.”

Benita nodded. “Fair enough.”

Foster looked from Ms. Helen to Benita with an expression of amazement. “Well, all right. Great. Just so you know, Doctor Penn will be here on April seventeenth to discuss the endowed chair and the banquet.”

“I’ll check my calendar.” Ms. Helen sniffed.

“Aunt Helen, that’s three weeks from now.” Benita stood and looked to Foster. “We’re free. Just let us know the time and location.”

Foster rose to his feet. “Ladies, thank you for coming. I’m looking forward to working with both of you as well as Doctor Penn to launch the Doctor Helen Gaston Endowed Chemistry Chair.”

Ms. Helen grunted. “I’m sure you are.”

“I’m glad you were here.” Foster spoke to Benita in a low tone. “I don’t think I could have convinced her to even consider the banquet. Doctor Gaston is a very strong personality.”

Benita turned back to Foster as Ms. Helen left his office without her. “You mean stubborn. It’ll be an interesting couple of weeks.” She turned to track down her great-aunt.

Ms. Helen was right outside Foster’s door. She gave Benita a cool look from sharp ebony eyes. “If you’re done managing my schedule, can we leave now?”

Benita led Ms. Helen down the stairs. “Aunt Helen, Doctor Penn is traveling hundreds of miles and giving the university a great deal of money. You can give her one hour of your time.”

She fell into step beside Ms. Helen as they crossed the hallway to the exit. The walls were covered with brochures detailing student services and posters promoting education abroad trips, seminars, and presentations. She pushed through the exit at the end of the hallway and held the door for Ms. Helen to join her.

Her great-aunt stopped beside Benita’s rental car. She freed her smartphone from her purse. “I need to text Alonzo. There’s no need for his standing noon check-in today.” She spoke as she tapped her keypad. “I don’t want him to convene a search party or call highway patrol when I’m not there.”

Benita fished her car keys from her handbag. “I thought his visits were too predictable.”

“They are. And so are Megan and Ean’s, Doreen’s and Darius’s daily visits.” Ms. Helen dropped her smartphone back into her purse, then turned toward the heart of the university, its Oval.

“Where are you going?” Benita fisted her car key and hurried after the older woman.

“I want to stop by Vaughn’s office before going home.” The retired professor spoke over her shoulder as she started across the Oval toward another academic building.

“Aunt Helen, I didn’t realize you wanted to pay visits to university professors while we were here.” Benita’s muscles chilled with the thought of seeing Vaughn now. I’m not ready!

“Well, now you know.” Ms. Helen didn’t slow down nor did she look at Benita. She just kept walking.

Benita was growing desperate. It wouldn’t take long to reach Freeman Hall and Vaughn’s office. The Oval wasn’t large. “It’s only eleven o’clock. He’s probably in class.”

“No, I called before we came to TFU. He’s expecting us.”

He’s expecting us? I wasn’t expecting him. Benita was momentarily speechless. The building drew closer and closer. “Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to meet with him?”

“Because I knew you’d overreact. I didn’t want to deal with it until I absolutely had to.” Ms. Helen paused to face Benita. “Vaughn and I are still friends even though the two of you aren’t together anymore.”

Benita fisted her palms to keep from wringing her hands. “Aunt Helen, I’m sorry, but I’m not ready to see him.”

Ms. Helen jerked her chin toward the west side of campus. “Then buy yourself a cup of tea at the student center. I won’t be long.”

Benita wanted to take this easy way out. She wasn’t proud of that. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” Her great-aunt raised her hand and cupped Benita’s left cheek. “You’ll do this when you’re ready.”

Benita raised her eyes toward Freeman Hall in the near distance. Vaughn was waiting inside. She could picture him, his long, leanly muscled body seated behind his old-fashioned wooden desk. His movie star good looks and soap-and-cedar scent. Her palms itched to caress his smooth nutmeg skin and handsome goatee. She wanted to taste him again.

Benita stepped back. Her great-aunt’s hand dropped away. “I’ll take your suggestion and get that cup of tea.”

She turned and hurried toward the student center. She’d see Vaughn again. Trinity Falls was way too small to imagine she wouldn’t. Hopefully, she’d be stronger when they ran into each other. At least stronger than she was today—because the next time she saw him, she intended to win him back.

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