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The petite history professor was barely visible in the crowd of teenagers and young adults, many of whom towered over her. “This is a surprise. What are you doing here?”

“I’m hoping Vaughn is free for lunch.” Benita led Peyton down the stairs and out of the path of stampeding students.

Peyton looked over her shoulder at the staircase as though saying Vaughn’s name would conjure him. “I hope you have a nice time.” She glanced at her purple Timex. “I’m actually meeting Darius for lunch at Books and Bakery.”

Behind her smile, the history professor’s eyes expressed concern that triggered Benita’s unease. She shook off the sensation. “Maybe we’ll see you there.”

Benita mounted the stairs again. Outside Vaughn’s office, she scanned his bulletin board. He’d posted his office hours, upcoming classes, quotes about the value of music and music education, and a poster announcing the upcoming audition for his musical, Mystic Park.

Why hadn’t he told me he was ready to perform it?

Vaughn’s office door opened. Benita’s smile of greeting froze as she watched a tall, gorgeous woman in conservative beige clothing precede Vaughn from the room.

Who is she—and why is Vaughn’s right hand riding the small of her back?

“Benny.” Vaughn froze when he noticed Benita in the hallway. “What are you doing here?”

He was the second person to ask her that and she was starting to und

erstand why.

Benita lifted her gaze from Vaughn’s hand, which had disappeared behind the stranger’s bony back. Her gaze was starved for Vaughn. She devoured his appearance: broad shoulders wrapped in a black cotton shirt, powerful legs and slim hips in steel gray slacks.

“I was hoping we could have lunch.” Her heart was in her throat. Tell me we can have lunch.

“I already have plans.” His words were acid to her soul. Vaughn gestured between Benita and the woman at his side. “Benita Hawkins, Doctor Olivia Stark.”

The pain burned deeper when Vaughn stepped closer to the other woman. How long had they been seeing each other? Had he been dating her this whole time?

Has he left me for her?

Benita pushed past the hurt—and yes, fear—to offer the other woman her hand. “How do you do?” And why are you with my boyfriend?

“Nice to meet you.” Olivia’s eyes were curious. Her long, thin fingers were cool to the touch.

Benita released the professor’s hand and met Vaughn’s gaze. His cocoa eyes were guarded and distant, as though they hadn’t known each other since high school and hadn’t loved each other since college.

Why is he doing this and how can I make him stop?

“I’m helping Doreen and Alonzo plan their wedding.” Benita fisted her hands in her pockets. “I wanted to ask if you could provide the music.”

That sounded both casual and plausible. Not bad for a spur-of-the-moment, face-saving ploy.

Vaughn nodded. “I can do that.”

“Thank you.” Benita struggled to keep her smile in place. “We should get together to discuss the music selections.”

“Sure, you, me, Alonzo, and Doreen.” Vaughn checked his watch. “I’ll call you later. Olivia and I need to go.”

Benita glanced at the other woman. She seemed to be everything Benita wasn’t: tall, thin, poised. Perfect.

Is this the type of woman Vaughn really wants to marry? That couldn’t be true. Why would he have spent the past eighteen years with me?

Benita swallowed back a scream of pain and denial. “All right. I’ll ask Doreen and Alonzo for a time to get together.” With one final, heroic effort, she offered a smile to the couple. “Enjoy your lunch.”

“Thanks.” Vaughn was already turning away. His large, talented hand still braced the small of Olivia’s skinny back.

Benita watched them disappear down the hall. She’d lost him. He was moving on with someone else. Vaughn was never going to join her in L.A. She would never have her happily-ever-after. Was it time for her to move on as well?

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