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Foster gestured toward the tables. “We should take our seats. The university’s president will make his speech soon.”

Vaughn glanced toward the front table where the president sat with several members of the board of trustees. “Hopefully, he won’t be as long-winded as he was during Ken’s retirement dinner.”

“Be nice, Vaughn.” Foster led the group to Ms. Helen’s table. He held her chair.

Benita sat to the left of her great-aunt. Vaughn found himself sitting beside her. Lana sat on Ms. Helen’s other side with Foster beside her. Darius sat on Vaughn’s right with Peyton beside him. Conversation paused as other dinner guests greeted Ms. Helen and Lana, and offered Ms. Helen their congratulations.

The parade of well-wishers ended when the university president took the podium. As he spoke, servers quietly distributed small salads to each attendee. Fifteen minutes later, the president’s speech mercifully came to an end.

Foster turned to Ms. Helen. “Would you say grace?”

Vaughn and the six other people at the table bowed their heads as Ms. Helen gave thanks for the food and the friendships, and asked for God’s blessing on the university community.

“In addition to the classroom, Doctor Gaston also has had an impact on the Trinity Falls community.” Foster addressed his comment to Lana. “She was the driving force behind the Guiding Light Community Center.”

“The center turned forty years old in January.” Ms. Helen’s smile was both pleased and proud.

Lana forked up more salad. “One of the things I enjoyed about TFU was the sense of a close-knit campus community as well as its connection to the town.”

“I agree.” Foster sipped his ice water. “I was proud to have three of our faculty members serve on the fund-raising committee for the center’s fortieth birthday celebration, including Doctor Harris and Doctor Brooks.” He gestured from Peyton to Vaughn.

“It was an honor.” Peyton looked from Foster to Ms. Helen.

“Peyton and Darius provided great leadership to the fund-raising committee.” Vaughn felt Benita’s eyes on him.

Darius refilled his glass with iced water from the pitcher on the table. “I was glad to help the center. Growing up, I spent a lot of hours there.”

“So did I.” Vaughn accepted the water pitcher from Darius. He filled his glass as well as Benita’s. Benita then filled Ms. Helen’s.

Foster started his salad. “Vaughn, how is your play coming?”

Vaughn swallowed a mouthful of salad. “Rehearsals are going well. I’m glad Benita’s been able to help.”

“This isn’t much of a vacation for you.” Lana sipped her water. “Between assisting with this event and helping Vaughn with his play, when are you finding time to relax?”

Benita glanced at Vaughn before responding. “These three months are more of a working vacation. I’m still managing my clients.”

“And she’s helping to plan a friend’s wedding.” Ms. Helen waved a fork toward Benita. “She’s never been able to relax, even as a child.”

Vaughn could attest to that. Even in high school, one student group hadn’t been enough. She’d joined several of them. However, whenever they were together, she would give him her total attention. Why was she so different in Los Angeles?

“I must get that from you.” Benita squeezed her great-aunt’s arm. Her love for the older woman was in her voice.

Ms. Helen patted Benita’s hand. “Doreen—the friend whose wedding Benita is helping to plan—is putting her house on the market.”

The announcement caught Vaughn’s attention. He was looking for a house. “That must have been a hard decision. She’s lived in that house for decades.”

“But she and Alonzo are starting a new life together.” Peyton finished her salad. “They’re moving into Alonzo’s house.”

“I’m going to ask her about it. I wonder what she’s listing it for.” Vaughn considered the timing of Doreen’s decision to be divine providence.

The servers returned to clear away the salad plates and distribute the main course. Vaughn drew his dinner plate to him. Tonight’s menu consisted of orange chicken, wild rice, and green beans. Steam rose from his plate. The scent of the well-seasoned chicken reminded him that he’d skipped lunch.

Benita looked at him in surprise. “Are you house hunting?”

“It’s a nice house.” Vaughn looked into Benita’s eyes. “It’ll probably sell quickly once she lists it.”

Her bright brown eyes dimmed as she lowered her gaze. Yes, Benita, I’m staying in Trinity Falls and I want you to stay with me.
