Page 11 of The Love Game

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Positive. “Thanks anyway.”

Lauren put her free hand on Xavier’s chest. “I’m still waiting for my answer. Why can’t you take over Anderson Adventures when your uncle steps down?”

“My passion is numbers. But numbers are only a small part of the company.” Xavier smiled. “Tyler’s passion extends to everything: numbers, distribution, software, hardware, technical support.”

“Saint Ty.” Lauren gave Tyler a cool smile. “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”

“Ty was born to run the company.” Donovan met Tyler’s gaze. “And he’d be good at it.”

The pride in the other men’s voices humbled him. Tyler braced his hand on his desk.

“Make the call, Ty.” Xavier’s words were quiet but firm.

“I will.” He waited until the trio left his office.

Tyler resumed his seat, then loaded The Beharie Agency’s website. Iris’s contact number was on the home page. He tapped it into his phone.

She was his last resort. Would their partnership help him achieve his goal? Or by this time next year, would an outsider be sitting in his father’s office?

There was only one way to find out.

Chapter 3

Iris turned her cell phone back on as she left her client meeting Thursday afternoon. The voicemail message icon popped onto her display screen. She played the recording as she strode across the parking lot toward her car.

“Iris, this is Ty Anderson of Anderson Adventures.”

The unexpected sound of his warm baritone made her knees tremble. Iris paused to steady herself before continuing to her Camry.

“Could you meet with me this afternoon?” He

left his phone number and asked her to call him back. His message was time stamped at twelve-eighteen.

Was it possible he’d decided to work with her? Or perhaps he wanted to return her business card. Iris’s hands shook as she unlocked her door. She tossed her briefcase onto her backseat. After their last meeting more than a week ago, she’d been pretty confident it would be years—if ever—before Anderson Adventures showed any further interest in her agency. Now, perhaps she was getting that opportunity she’d been hoping for.

She slammed her car door shut, then glanced at her silver Omni wristwatch. Two o’clock in the afternoon. She’d already kept him waiting almost two hours.

Iris got behind the wheel of her Camry and turned the ignition. She took a deep breath, then put on her hands-free device before calling Tyler. Her hands continued to shake.

His line rang three times before Sherry picked up. “Anderson Adventures. Tyler Anderson’s office. May I help you?”

“Sherry, it’s Iris Beharie. How are you?”

“I’m fine, and you?” There was a smile in the other woman’s voice.

“Living the dream, Sherry. Living the dream.” Iris pressed the button for her heater. Was it the temperature or her nerves making her hands shake? “I’m returning Ty’s call. Is he available?”

“Let me check.”

While she waited, Iris navigated out of the parking lot and headed toward her townhome about fifteen minutes away.

“Iris?” Sherry returned to the phone. “Ty’s back in his office. Let me put you through.”

“Thanks, Sherry. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”

Iris braced herself for her conversation with Anderson Adventures’ vice president of product development.

“Thank you for calling me back.” Tyler’s voice caused a tremor of pleasure to roll down her spine, in contrast to the tension tightening her shoulders.
