Page 27 of The Love Game

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What is she doing to me?

“Glad to help.” Tyler stepped aside to let her take the staircase first. Her fragrance touched him as she walked by. Tyler’s gaze strayed to her long well-shaped legs as they climbed from the second floor to the fifth-floor executive offices.

Iris’s voice broke his trance. “I’ll incorporate their wish list into our plans.”

“How many of those things will fit into our budget?”

“All of them.” She tossed him a look over her shoulder, part mischief and all confidence.

Tyler stilled on the staircase. That look squeezed his heart and caused his pulse to speed up.

He caught up with Iris at the top of the staircase. “We need to keep the event on-site. We can’t risk having information about the computer game leak before our official launch.”

Iris stopped close enough for Tyler to catch another intoxicating breath of her fragrance. “Hosting the event off-site would make it seem more special.”

“It’s too risky.” Tyler reached past her to open the main door to the executive offices.

“All right.” She sounded disappointed by his decision. “I should have the estimate to you by a week from Friday.” Iris turned toward the reception area and smiled. “Hi, Sherry. Thanks again for organizing the focus group and for participating in it.”

“It was fun.” Sherry turned to Tyler. “I hadn’t realized you’d worked in every department in the company. That’s impressive.”

“Told you,” Iris whispered before disappearing down the hall. Did her teasing remark mean she’d forgiven him for the accusation he’d made Monday?

Tyler’s gaze moved over her glossy sable hair floating just above her narrow shoulders to her slender hips swinging hypnotically beneath her A-line red skirt. Her matching red stilettos were silent on the silver-and-black carpet but his pulse beat with every step she took.

“Is there anything I can do for you, Ty?” The knowing look in Sherry’s bright blue eyes caused his cheeks to heat again.

“No, but thanks, Sherry.” Tyler walked away.

He needed to pull himself together. If other people noticed his attraction to his marketing consultant, he was in trouble.

Back in his office, Tyler dropped onto his black leather executive chair and logged on to his computer. He stared blankly at his screen.

Two days ago, he’d given Iris a pompous lecture about pursuing romantic entanglements at Anderson Adventures. Maybe he should have delivered his speech to the mirror instead.

* * *

“May I come in?” Hours later, Foster stood in the threshold of Tyler’s office.

Despite having been hard at work for the past four hours, his father still looked crisp in his white shirt, gold tie and dark gray pants. He carried his matching suit jacket in the crook of his arm.

Tyler checked his wristwatch. It was after noon. He’d lost almost three hours since the morning’s focus group meeting. How had that happened?

“Of course.” He locked his computer screen, then swiveled his seat to face his father on the other side of his desk.

“I’d expected you to come to my office after your meeting this morning.” Foster settled his jacket on the back of one of the visitor’s chairs. He lowered himself onto the other.

“I thought I was handling this project myself.” Tyler searched Foster’s eyes. Why was his father checking up on him?

“You are. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep me apprised.” Foster propped his elbows on the chair’s arms and linked his fingers together. “How did it go?”

“It went well.” Tyler settled back on his chair, forcing himself to relax. “We got a lot of good participation.”

“You can give me details.” Foster’s faint smile teased him. “I’m on the list of associates who are cleared to receive such sensitive information.”

“I’m sorry.” Tyler grinned at his father’s words. “I’m not used to talking about my projects in such depth.”

“That’s one of the things we’re trying to change.”
