Page 26 of The Love Game

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“Do those contributions include finance?” Lola Ray, an accountant, shifted on her chair. A blush warmed her brown skin.

“Just keep approving my budget requests.” Tyler smiled.

Lola turned to Iris. “In that case, at the internal launch, I’d like a meal, preferably a buffet, with dessert.”

Laughter filled the room and the atmosphere shifted. This was a new experience. He was connecting with the associates. Tension dissipated, his and theirs. Excitement and enthusiasm replaced it.

“Forget the food.” Ted interjected. “A live band.”

“We need to be sensitive to the budget,” Lola cautioned. “We don’t want this to be the company’s one and only celebration for the year.”

“Can we bring our families?” Ren directed his question to Tyler.

“I’m afraid not.” Would his response dampen the enthusiasm? “For security reasons, this internal launch has to be associates only.”

Everyone nodded their understanding except Jarnett. She crossed her arms. “Well, my husband will be very disappointed.”

“You can bring him back a piece of cake.” Sherry’s tone was sincere, though her response elicited laughter. Tyler breathed easier.

Jarnett cut Sherry a glance. “It’s not the same as attending the event.”

Ted raised his hand. “A DJ?”

“Some form of music. Duly noted.” The smile Iris offered Ted was almost as warm and bright as the one she’d given Donovan two days ago.

Tyler gritted his teeth. Iris smiled at everyone but him.

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ociates continued to offer suggestions: off-site location with easy parking; demo of the computer game; half workday; buffet lunch; minimal, if any, executive presentations. A little more than an hour later, the meeting ended on a high note.

After her closing comments, Iris gestured toward Tyler. “Is there anything you’d like to add?”

“Thanks for your time and input.” To Tyler, the words weren’t enough to convey his appreciation but the associates seemed satisfied. He exhaled. He’d survived his first associates meeting, though, technically, Iris had run the show. They made a good team.

“Thank you, Ty.” Iris’s nod indicated her approval. She turned back to the group. “If you have any other suggestions, please contact me. My email address is on the handout. Thanks for your time. Have a great day.”

Muffled conversations faded away as the associates returned to their offices. The sense of excitement followed them from the lounge.

Tyler stood as Iris turned off the audio recorder and gathered her belongs. “Can I help?”

“I’ve got it.” She didn’t look at him. Was she still stewing over his comment about Donovan?

“How do you think the meeting went?”

“It went well.” Iris led him from the room. “More importantly, what do you think?”

“It was better than I’d expected.” Tyler walked beside her. “Did you get the information you need?”

“I did.” She looked up at him. “You did a good job, using your personal experience to explain everyone’s role in product development. I was impressed.”

“It was nothing.” Am I blushing?

“Without your intervention, the meeting would’ve ended before it even began.”

I’m definitely blushing.

Tyler had never blushed before in his life. First, he’d made a fool of himself over her smiling at Donovan. Now he was blushing like a schoolgirl.

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