Page 43 of The Love Game

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Iris arched an eyebrow. “Am I more than a vendor to you?”

Tyler captured her left hand and held it to his chest under his jacket and above his heart. “A vendor’s never made me feel like this.”

Against her palm, Iris felt his heartbeat. It was racing, just like hers. She searched his hot ebony eyes. She wanted to give in to him. “We can’t. We both have too much at stake to take that risk.”

Still holding her palm to his chest, Tyler closed his eyes. “It’s going to be a long nine weeks.”

Iris smiled. He was right. “Don’t think about that. Focus on your success, including Foster admitting he was wrong about the limo service.”

Tyler opened his eyes. “Dad’s good about admitting when someone else has a good idea. He’s also good at reminding us when he’s been right. I’m sure he’ll remind me that contacting you had been his idea.”

“Foster told you to ask me to bid on this project?” Iris had a sense of foreboding.

“But it was my decision which vendor to retain.”

“How did he hear about my company?” Iris slipped free of Tyler’s hold and leaned back on the passenger’s car seat. Something felt off. What am I missing?

“I don’t know.” Tyler shrugged. “He said he knew your family but I didn’t ask how.”

“I think I know.” Iris gritted her teeth. Rose.

* * *

Iris parked on Rose’s driveway and slammed out of her car Friday evening. She marched up the front steps of her sister’s two-story white-and-black home, then leaned on the doorbell. Rose yanked open her door. She was still wearing her business clothes, a smoke-gray skirt suit and a bloodred blouse.

“What is wrong with you?” Her sister’s choice of words was like gasoline on a fire.

“You are.” Iris was six years old again as she stormed the threshold, forcing Rose back into her house.

Rose shoved Iris aside and slammed her front door shut. “Do you want to tell me why you’ve brought your temper tantrum into my home?”

Iris turned to face her. Her hands were fisted at her sides. “You told Foster Anderson to hire me.”

“Who?” Rose settled her hands on her hips.

“Don’t play dumb.” Iris slashed her right hand in the air. “You know Foster Anderson owns Anderson Adventures.”

Rose’s confusion cleared. “Ah. I’ve heard the name. I don’t know the man.”

“You know him well enough to tell him to give me a job.” Iris’s voice rose.

“No, I don’t. I’ve never spoken with him.”

“You’re lying.”

“Are you nuts?” Rose’s eyes widened.

“You don’t believe I can get business on my own. So instead, you used your connections to convince Anderson Adventures to throw some work my way.”

“I thought you said this was a big account.” Rose tilted her head.

“It is.”

“Then they did more than just throw some work your way.”

“Are you proud of what you’ve done?” Iris narrowed her eyes. “I don’t need your pity efforts. I’m good enough to get my own work.”

“What makes you think I know Foster Anderson personally?”
