Page 50 of The Love Game

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He filled his lungs to make his plea. “Stop.”

Iris slowly released him. “Did I do something wrong?”

The uncertainty in her voice almost shredded him. “You did everything too right. But I want to come inside you.”

She gave him a sexy smile, then lay down beside him.

Tyler pressed her onto her back. “My turn.”

Iris trembled with desire as Tyler came to her. He lowered his head to her breasts and drew one into his mouth. Iris bit her lips together to keep from screaming with pleasure. She arched her back to offer him more. His teeth grazed her nipple. His tongue teased and stroked. Iris couldn’t catch her breath.

Tyler slid down her body, touching and teasing her, exploring her sensitive spots. He moved between her legs, spreading them wider. Then he rose on his knees, cupped her hips and lifted her to his mouth.

Iris’s eyes flared wide. Her mouth opened on a gasp as he stroked his tongue against her. Hard. And kissed her. Deep. She was a puppet in his palms. Her hips moved against his mouth as his tongue and lips directed her. Iris’s body flooded with heat. She panted and gasped and groaned under his magic. He loved her with private kisses and long, leisurely licks. Her muscles strained. Her body stretched and tensed. Then she exploded, rocking in his hands. Tyler soothed her with his touch as he lowered her to the mattress.

Iris felt him move away from her. She opened her eyes and watched as he put on a condom. Tyler turned back to her. His ebony eyes moved over her body. Iris’s heart raced. Her thighs throbbed.

Tyler caressed the side of her breast. “So beautiful.”

He lowered himself to her gently, then joined with her in one long, strong, deep push.

His hips moved, picking up a rhythm that fanned her desires. Iris wrapped her legs around Tyler’s hips and met him thrust for thrust. She looked up at his handsome face. His features were hard and sharp with desire. His intense gaze locked with hers as they moved as one. He lowered his head and kissed her hard. His hips moved deeper, faster. Iris’s blood rushed through her veins and roared in her head. Her heart pounded as though it would burst from her chest. She lifted her hips higher, pressing harder and harder against him. She squeezed her eyes shut at the sweet pleasure-pain.

Her body shattered, trembling in his embrace. Tyler stiffened above her, drawing her closer as they bodies shook together.

A long time later, Tyler stirred. “I don’t regret what we did. I don’t want you to, either.”

His words disrupted the stillness in the room. Perhaps he’d let the silence last a little too long. It was becoming tense—or was that his imagination? In any event, he meant it when he said he didn’t want either of them to have regrets.

“I don’t.” Iris rested her head on his chest.

Her simple reply brought him a measure of relief. Still, Tyler needed to be sure. He hadn’t planned for this to happen, at least not tonight. But he wouldn’t change a thing. Would she?

He measured his words. “I know we’d agreed to wait because of our project contract.”

“I wouldn’t have made love with you if I thought I was going to regret it.”

“I’m glad.” That’s all he’d needed to hear.

Tyler relaxed. He buried his right hand in her thick, tousled hair. His left held her to him. Iris had said they’d “made love.” The words expanded in his heart like a sunrise. He breathed in her scent, citrus and sex.

“But what do we do now? Act like nothing happened?” Iris’s breath tickled his skin.

“That’s not possible.” He watched the shadows stretching across the ceiling. What time was it? Did he care?

“No, it’s not.” Her soft breasts pressed into him with her sigh.

Tyler’s muscles tightened with a pleasure that was almost painful. “We’re doing that a lot more lately, agreeing with each other.

“That’s because you’re finally coming to your senses.”

“Maybe you’re the one who’s seeing reason.”

“Impossible.” Iris waved a dismissive hand, then let it land on his chest. Her tone sobered. “I don’t want people to know we’ve been intimate. I’m your marketing consultant. This could damage my professional reputation.”

“That was the reason you didn’t want to become intimate in the first place.” Tyler pressed her hand against his heart. “I’m not going to announce that we’ve made love. But I’m not going to act as though I’m not attracted to you, either.”

“All right.” She sighed again. “I have another concern.”
