Page 54 of The Love Game

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Had he heard reluctance in Xavier’s tone? Tyler ignored it—for now. “We’ll meet with our associates tomorrow.”

“You’re going to meet with them although you don’t think any of them had anything to do with this.” Foster blew an exasperated breath. “Then what good is the meeting?”

The walls were closing in on him. “We don’t think it was a deliberate act.”

“You think someone emailed failed test results to the media by accident?” Foster’s eyes widened. “That’s very naive.”

“Not necessarily, Foster.” Donovan shrugged. “You said yourself, nothing like this has ever happened before.”

“Maybe the leak wasn’t an accident,” Iris said. “But I don’t believe it was done with malicious intent.”

“Neither do I.” Tyler massaged the back of his neck. “We won’t know until we meet with the development team tomorrow to review the chain of command for the testing results.”

“How do we know The Gamer’s Seat is the only publication that received these documents?” Foster sat back onto his chair. “For all we know, other media outlets also received the false results and intend to publish them without warning us.”

“I’m using internet alerts to monitor media coverage with references to Anderson Adventures.” Iris looked to the others seated around the table. “The references to your company have been positive. It appears you’re still riding the positive press from the convention. Your preorders are up and your reviews are excellent. No one has questioned your game’s readiness.”

“Yet.” Foster’s voice was tight.

His father’s disappointment was a crushing weight. Would he be able to recover from this disaster? He didn’t have a choice. Tyler wanted this promotion. He wanted to succeed his father as CEO of their family’s company. But even more important was the fact that everyone at Anderson Adventures had worked hard to make “Osiris’s Journey” a success. He wouldn’t allow their efforts to be destroyed by this leak whether the information had been distributed deliberately or by accident.

Kayla tapped worriedly on the glass table. “Will you interview the associates one at a time?”

“No.” Tyler shifted his attention from Foster to his aunt. “We’re going to meet with everyone who was involved with testing at once.”

“We thought meeting with people individually would increase the associates’ anxiety,” Iris added.

How was Iris able to remain so cool and in control?

Every muscle in Tyler’s body was stretched to the tearing point. “None of our associates would intentionally hurt the company. We need to investigate this leak but I don’t want anyone to be uncomfortable.”

“I wonder if Leslie has any interrogation techniques?” Kayla muttered the off-hand question.

“Her name’s Lauren, Mom.” Xavier turned to his mother, who was seated at the end of the table. “What makes you think she knows anything about interrogations?”

Kayla shrugged an elegant shoulder. “She’s in HR isn’t she?”

“No, she’s not.” Xavier frowned at his mother before turning his attention to Tyler. “We need to resolve this before the game release.”

“I know.” Tyler rolled his silver Cross pen between his palms. “That’s why we’re starting tomorrow.”

Iris nodded. “It won’t be a problem.”

“I’ll expect an update on the investigation and the media reports by end of day tomorrow.” Foster stood. “If there aren’t any other questions or information to be shared, let’s end this meeting.”

“There is one thing.” Kayla raised a hand.

“What is it, Kayla?” Foster met her gaze from the other end of the table.

Kayla looked from Iris to Tyler. “We all wish this hadn’t happened. The internal launch was a roaring success. It’s a tough act to follow. From the reports you and Iris shared with us from the convention, you were slaying them in San Diego, as well. This matter has put a cloud over your efforts but I’m impressed and grateful for your quick and thorough actions to resolve it.”

“Thank you, Ms. Anderson.” Iris’s voice was a soft whisper.

“It’s Kayla, dear.” Kayla wagged a finger at Iris.

“Thanks, Aunt Kayla.” Tyler tried to smile for his aunt.

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