Page 73 of The Love Game

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“He’s said that before.” Iris felt a stirring of irritation. “First, he believed Pete Kimball when Kimball told him RGB had fired me for unethical behavior.”

“It impressed me that Anderson didn’t just take Kimball’s word for it.” Rose waved her fork again. “He asked for your side of the story rather than letting Kimball slander you.”

Iris stared into her empty mug. Rose had a point. “We’d just met. I could understand his not trusting me. But after we’d been working together for three months, he should have known I’d never betray a client.”

Lily drank more tea. “The fact that Ty ran the key-card access report proves he believed in you.”

Rose shrugged her shoulder. “You’re being too hard on him.”

Iris stared at her eldest sister in shock. She must have misunderstood Rose. “Are you saying you think I should give Ty another chance?”

Rose shrugged again. “Why not?”

Iris exchanged a look of disbelief with Lily before attempting to answer Rose’s question. “You think all men are bad. Why would you tell me to forgive Ty?”

Rose held Iris’s gaze. “Because he asked for the key-card access report.”

“He should’ve asked for that report before he told me to leave Anderson Adventures.” Iris crossed her arms over her chest. “If he’d had that report, he wouldn’t have had to fire me.”

Rose actually laughed. “You’re going to hold a grudge because he ran the report after instead of before he accused you of sending the email? Why can’t you just be happy that he asked for it at all?”

Lily gestured toward Rose with her mug of tea. “I agree with Rose.”

Rose’s wide-eyed stare mocked her. “Shocking.”

“I know.” Lily smiled. “The fact that Ty asked for the report shows progress.”

“I’m still surprised that you’re advocating for Ty.” Iris stared at Rose, wondering what had changed for her sister. “After Ben, I thought you were convinced all men were evil and not to be trusted.”

Rose pushed aside her now-empty dessert plate. “Perhaps I did get a little carried away. Men like Ben aren’t to be trusted. However, Ty is not like Ben. He can admit when he’s wrong and he can say that he’s sorry.”

Iris looked from Rose to Lily. Maybe they were right. Still, she hesitated. “What if he hurts me again?”

“We’ll break both of his legs.” Rose’s voice was a growl.

Lily squeezed Iris’s forearm again. “The fact is, every relationship comes with risks, Iris. The question you have to ask yourself is whether Ty is worth the risk.”

“What does ‘worth the risk’ mean?” Iris was reluctant to answer that question, even for herself.

“When you’re with him, does he make you feel special?” Rose put down her teacup. “W

hen you’re away from him, do you feel like a part of you is missing?”

Iris blinked. It was as though Rose had read her mind. “Is that how Ben made you feel?”

“No.” Rose gave her a half smile. “Is that how you feel with Ty?”

“Yes.” Iris briefly closed her eyes.

“Then he’s worth the risk.” Lily said the words that were in Iris’s mind.

“Fine. You want me to say it, I will.” Restless, Iris pushed away from the table and stood to pace the dining room. “I’ve fallen in love with Ty Anderson. Big deal. He doesn’t love me.”

“You said he has feelings for you.” Lily watched her with concern in her tawny eyes.

Rose frowned. “Why don’t you just ask him?”

“I’m not going to ask him.” Iris glared at her elder sister over her shoulder. “All this talk about whether Ty’s worth the risk is a waste of time. The fact is you can’t have love without trust and he’s proven he doesn’t trust me.”
