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‘They do!’ She folded her arms indignantly. ‘How can you be so cynical?’

‘Experience, remember?’ He cleared his throat, trying to be serious. ‘I don’t think your question is really aimed at me, Ianthe. I told you, if it’s romance you’re after, I’m not your man.’

‘That’s obvious, though I certainly wasn’t talking about myself.’


‘No! I have no expectations on that score, I assure you.’

‘Then it seems we’re quite compatible after all.’ He grinned, but she only glared back at him belligerently.

‘And what if your business deal falls through?’

‘Why should it?’

‘I’ve no idea, but I should imagine there are lots of ways. But if it does, then you’ll have married me for nothing. Have you thought about that?’

‘I’ve considered the risks.’

‘Maybe they’re bigger than you think.’

He raised an eyebrow. She sounded as if she were trying to warn him of something. She certainly seemed to have thought of every possible obstacle to their union, though she still hadn’t said no...

‘Perhaps I think you’re a risk worth taking, Ianthe.’ He put both hands on the table, laying his terms out as straightforwardly as possible. ‘Look, I’ve told you what I want. I intend to own the biggest shipyard on the east coast. I need a respectable wife to help me achieve that. My instincts tell me that’s you, but the decision is yours. I’m leaving Pickering tomorrow afternoon. Needless to say, my offer leaves with me.’

‘So soon?’

‘Unfortunately, yes. I have a board meeting at the station in the morning, but with your permission I’ll call at your aunt’s just after noon. I need an answer before I return to Whitby.’

‘So let me get this straight.’ She frowned pensively. ‘If you’re not married, then your neighbour won’t sell his yard?’

‘Not to me, no.’

‘So you absolutely need a wife?’


‘And buying his yard is important to you? As long as that goes ahead, that’s all that matters?’

‘I suppose so.’ Not that he would have put it quite so bluntly...

‘And it’s me or no one?’

‘At this point, yes. Unless you can find me another willing candidate.’ He jerked his head towards the ballroom, trying to lighten the tone. ‘Would your aunt be willing, do you think?’

Her lips curved upwards. ‘More than willing, I think. She’s been singing your praises all day.’

‘Really?’ He beamed. ‘I’m flattered.’

‘She said you were civil and charming.’

‘And you thought she was talking about a different man?’

Brown eyes sparked with humour. ‘I thought you had an evil twin.’

‘Ah...’ he chuckled ‘ wound me, Miss Holt, though I suppose I deserve that. But there’s no evil twin, I’m afraid, just me. You’ll have to take me or leave me as I am.’

‘Very well.’ She pushed her chair back, still smiling. ‘Then I’ll let you know my decision tomor—Oh!’
