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A look of consternation crossed her face as she glanced through the archway that led to the card room. Robert turned around at once, expecting to see an altercation at least, but there was only her brother playing poker with a group of the Baronet’s cronies.

‘You don’t like your brother playing cards?’ he hazarded a guess.

‘It’s not that. It’s just...he’s not good at it. I ought to stop him.’

‘Wait!’ He sprang up as she started out of her chair, grasping her arm just above the elbow. ‘He might not appreciate his sister coming to the rescue.’

She froze, her whole body seeming to stiffen the moment he touched her. So did his, though in a very different way. He could feel her heartbeat accelerate beneath his fingers, tempting him to pull her into his arms, to press his lips against her shoulder, to trail them along the smooth curve of her throat. Would the skin there feel so soft? The desire to find out was surprisingly tempting.

He loosened his hold, trailing his fingertips down to her elbow before he finally let go. Clearly the punch had been stronger than he’d thought.

‘I’ve no intention of embarrassing him.’ Her voice sounded breathless.

‘I’m sure you do not, but considering what happened earlier...’

He left the sentence unfinished, taking her flushed cheeks to show that she understood his meaning.

‘I have to do something.’

‘Then let me go. If I join the game, then perhaps I can persuade him to leave.’

She looked up at him uncertainly. ‘He’s my brother.’

‘And if you agree to my proposal, he’ll be mine, too. Why not let me help?’

‘You don’t mind?’

He bit back a grimace. Mind was an understatement. He hated gambling with a vengeance, but he wasn’t about to let her go marching into the card room either. Even if it hadn’t been for her brother’s earlier behaviour, Sir Charles was standing beside the door, waiting to close it behind her most likely. What was wrong with the man? He looked like a hunter ready to throw a net over his prey.

‘What if you lose?’

He gave her a look that was part-offence, part-amusement. ‘I appreciate the confidence.’

‘I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that if you do lose, I won’t be able to pay you back, not for a while anyway.’

‘I wouldn’t expect you to.’

‘And I can’t promise anything else either.’ She held his gaze seriously. ‘About your proposal, I mean.’

‘You’ll be under no obligation, Ianthe.’ He frowned at the very suggestion. What kind of man did she think he was? ‘Call this my last apology for yesterday. After this, we’ll be even.’

‘Very well then.’ She looked relieved. ‘Thank you.’

‘Is your brother staying at your aunt’s house, too?’


, at the White Swan.’

‘Then I’ll make sure he gets back safely.’


She grasped at his sleeve, and he nodded, touched by her care for her brother. It was only a pity the youth didn’t deserve it.

‘I’ll do my best, I promise that.’ He glanced down at her hand, barely resisting the impulse to cover it with his own. The urge to touch her again was almost overwhelming. But if he touched her now then he’d have to find a way to let her go again as well. Somehow, for some inexplicable reason, he didn’t know if he could.

‘It might take me a while.’ He cleared his throat huskily.
