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‘I thought we just agreed that poetry was for fools?’

‘No. We agreed that poetry wasn’t real life. It’s not poetry’s fault that people let it down.’

‘So you want me to learn a poem because...?’

‘Because Matthew looks up to you. If he hears you recite one, he might not be so closed-minded about it.’

Robert arched an eyebrow. ‘Is that your way of saying you think I’m closed-minded?’

She didn’t answer. ‘You might enjoy it.’

‘So you want another agreement...’ He took a deep breath, already regretting his next words. ‘Shall we shake on this one?’

He held out a hand and she took it tentatively. ‘You have a deal, Mr Felstone.’

‘Good.’ He closed his fingers around hers. ‘We’ll start tomorrow.’

Chapter Thirteen

‘I’m having second thoughts!’ Ianthe shouted through the wall of the bathing hut, trying to

pluck up the courage to open the door.

‘You’re not backing out now!’ Robert’s voice outside was muffled.

She glanced down at her costume, the only one she’d been able to find at short notice, a short belted jacket over a pair of long bloomers, wondering whether so many clothes were strictly necessary. The flannel fabric wasn’t uncomfortable, but for a dip in the sea she felt ridiculously overdressed. Even worse, the bright pink-and-white stripes looked like something Aunt Sophoria might have chosen.

‘All right.’ She pulled on the matching mob cap before twisting the door handle. ‘Here I am.’

‘You look...’ Robert stood in front of her, hand on his hips, looking suspiciously like a man trying very hard not to laugh. ‘I’m lost for words.’

She made a face. ‘I think the hat finishes it off, don’t you?’

‘It’s my favourite part.’ White teeth flashed in a grin. ‘You should get a few more like that.’

‘Be careful or I just might.’

He laughed and strode out into the sea, beckoning for her to follow. ‘Shall we get started then?’

Ianthe looked at the water with trepidation. The hut had been pulled out into the shallows so that she was far enough away from the promenade not to feel completely exposed, but now she was there, she was a long way from certain that she actually wanted to learn at all. Robert was dressed in a full-length white flannel costume and the resemblance to male undergarments was distinctly unnerving.

‘It looks cold.’

‘It is.’ He was already waist-deep in the water. ‘But it’s a warm day, you won’t freeze. Look.’

He dived under the surface, coming up again after a few moments wearing a broad grin and shaking his head like a dog. Ianthe caught her breath. He looked completely happy and at ease in the water, the waves lapping gently around his body and sculpting his costume to his chest in a way that accentuated every bulging muscle. She’d had no idea that he was so...solid.

She dropped her eyes, gingerly sticking a toe in the water before retracting it again quickly. It was cold, though the sight of his athletic body made her feel red hot all over. Her imagination was running riot as she imagined what he looked like beneath his costume.

‘I think I’ve changed my mind.’

‘We made a deal, Ianthe.’

‘I’m reneging.’

‘Too late.’ He folded his arms, though the action seemed to make his muscles bulge even more. ‘I’ve already learnt a poem.’

