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‘I’m sorry.’

‘So am I, but it’s over. I’m banished from Wintercott.’

‘But you still intend to go back? You and Alan were plotting something when we left, I could tell.’

‘Do you know me so well then?’ There was a smile in his voice as if the idea pleased him. ‘Alan and I intend to keep meeting, yes.’

‘Good. He needs you.’ She nestled closer. ‘If only we could stay like this for ever.’

‘Lying on a beach in the cold?’

‘Lying on a beach together in the cold.’

‘With just our bodies to keep us warm.’ He pressed a kiss into her hair. ‘You know, I think there must be something in the air here at Lacelby.’

‘What do you mean?’ She lifted her face and he claimed her lips at once, kissing her thoroughly before breaking away again.

‘I mean that you appear to be wreaking havoc on my body. If you’re ready again, that is, Wife?’

She slid her tongue along her lower lip, pretending to consider for a moment before smiling back. ‘I’m ready. Only this time, Husband, you’re in charge.’

Chapter Twenty-Two

Love potion, Matthew concluded as they walked hand in hand back from the beach, half of him still basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking, the other half-marvelling at his own behaviour. Love potion was the only way to explain it. She must have slipped something into his drink that first afternoon in her aunt’s solar, although now he thought of it, he hadn’t drunk anything there. And yet here he was, unable to spend more than an hour away from his wife, acting like some kind of lovesick swain and feeling happier than he had in months. Or years for that matter. Which surely meant that it had to be...he almost stumbled as the idea occurred to He was in love. If any o

f his former comrades could see him now they’d never recognise him.

Or would they? He stopped short at the sight of a giant black courser in the bailey, an animal he recognised instantly. He’d ridden beside it often enough...

‘Jerrard?’ He bellowed and a familiar face appeared in the kitchen doorway.

‘There you are!’ His old friend came marching swiftly towards him. ‘At last! I was starting to fear I’d have to leave again without seeing you.’

‘Leave?’ Matthew looked at him askance. ‘But surely you only just got here?’

‘An hour ago, but I don’t have much time.’ Jerrard glanced towards Constance and bowed. ‘It’s a pleasure to see you again, my lady.’

‘As it is to see you, but Matthew’s right. Can’t you stay for a while?’

‘I’m afraid not. I have urgent business in London and only stopped to tell your husband the details.’ He looked faintly awkward, though thankfully she took the hint, dropping into a demure-looking curtsy.

‘Then I’ll leave you to it. Have you been offered any refreshments?’

Jerrard nodded, gesturing back the way that he’d come. ‘Your steward has been most attentive.’

‘Good. In that case, I need to speak with Tomas about something.’ She threw Matthew a speculative glance and then smiled at Jerrard. ‘I hope to see you again soon.’

‘Matthew...’ His friend waited until she was out of earshot before lifting an eyebrow. ‘Were you just holding hands?’

‘Yes.’ Matthew cleared his throat. Not that he was ashamed of it, but he had a reputation to uphold. ‘And if you breathe a word...’

‘I wouldn’t dream of it, but you’re lucky Laurent isn’t here. He’d send messengers out to tell half of England.’

‘Only half?’

‘To start with.’ Jerrard laughed. ‘Things are going well between the two of you, then?’

‘You could say that.’ Matthew was aware of an unfamiliar warmth in his cheeks. ‘But you haven’t come all this way to talk about my marriage. What’s happened? Why do you have to leave again so soon?’
