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Jerrard snapped back to attention at once. ‘The barons are marching south.’

‘Against the King?’

‘They’ve decided the time for action has come. They’re going to meet him in London.’

Matthew sucked air between his teeth. ‘Very well. Just give me a few minutes to get ready.’

‘No.’ Jerrard put a restraining hand on his arm. ‘At least not before we reach London. That’s what I came to tell you. You’re still needed here.’

‘Why?’ Matthew frowned. ‘If the barons are marching to confront the King, then the whole country will know about the charter soon enough. Surely you can’t still want me to keep an eye on my father?’

‘More than ever. If the King decides to muster an army, we need to know about it.’

‘Alan is keeping an eye on things for me. He can be trusted.’

‘I believe you, but can he fight? From what you’ve told me, your father is a force to be reckoned with.’

‘There are others...’

‘Matthew.’ Jerrard’s expression turned sombre. ‘All of this is a gamble. The charter is just an idea, a good idea, but one that might still come to nothing. Just because we’re making a stand doesn’t mean we’ll succeed. If we don’t get enough support, then John will come after us for revenge. In that case, we need good men to take care of our families. The north needs protecting and you’re one of the few men who can do it.’

‘What about you?’

‘I’m an old man.’ Jerrard grimaced. ‘Older, anyway, with no wife or family to miss me. If things go wrong, then it’s better for the punishment to fall on me than on you.’

‘I’d still prefer to fight by your side.’

‘Believe me, I’d rather have you there, too, but if you come then so will Laurent. He’s only staying because I told him you are.’

‘You already told him that?’

‘I knew you’d listen to reason.’

Matthew glowered. ‘So you just expect me to stay behind and wait for news? After everything we’ve been through?’

‘Yes. I know it’s hard, but this is just the beginning. Nothing is going to change overnight. If we can reach London safely, then hopefully we can get the King to negotiate, but whatever happens I fear the road ahead won’t be easy.’ Jerrard mounted his courser with a resolute expression. ‘We’ll need you soon enough.’

‘All right.’ Matthew nodded reluctantly. ‘I appreciate your coming to tell me in person.’

‘I wish I could stay longer, but I need to catch up with the others before nightfall.’ Jerrard looked around approvingly. ‘You have a fine home.’

‘Yes.’ Despite everything, Matthew found himself smiling. ‘I like it here.’

‘It seems married life suits you after all. Who would have thought it?’ Jerrard smiled and then looked serious again. ‘Does your wife suspect anything about our activities?’

‘She probably does now. I haven’t told her about the charter, but it hasn’t been easy. It doesn’t feel right keeping secrets. I need to tell her, Jerrard. It’s important to me.’

‘Very well.’ Jerrard nodded solemnly. ‘Then I release you from your promise. Tell her as much as you think you need to.’

‘Thank you.’ Matthew felt as though a heavy weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. ‘If you need me in London...’

‘I’ll send word. And if your father receives any instructions from the King...’

‘I’ll make sure that no men are mustered from Wintercott. Or Lincolnshire for that matter.’ He patted the courser’s neck. ‘Don’t worry about that, just take care of yourself.’

‘I always do.’

Matthew watched as horse and rider disappeared through the gates, Jerrard’s words echoing ominously in his head, I fear the road ahead won’t be easy. Only there was no turning back now... He was still standing in the middle of the bailey, watching and thinking, when Constance emerged from the steward’s office a few minutes later.
