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‘This is Baldwin, a trusted messenger from Jerrard.’ He held his arms out to catch her as she barrelled into him. ‘The barons have reached London.’

‘Oh.’ She closed her eyes in relief. ‘Thank goodness. And the King?’

‘He’s agreed to meet them in the Temple Church to discuss a compromise.’


‘Soon.’ He paused meaningfully. ‘Which means it’s time for me to go. Jerrard’s summoned me.’

‘Why?’ She felt her heart start to thud painfully against her ribcage. ‘You said he told you to stay and protect the north.’

‘He did, but now they’re safely in London, the immediate danger has passed. Now the King needs to know he’s outnumbered.’

‘So you’re going just to make a point?’

‘I’m going to help to persuade him to sign the charter.’


‘It won’t be for long.’

‘How do you know?’ She put her hands on her hips, about to

protest some more when she noticed the messenger gawking at her dishevelled appearance. ‘You must be hungry.’ She tossed her head as if there were nothing unusual about the sight of a barefoot, barely dressed lady arguing outside with her husband in winter. ‘Go into the hall and I’ll arrange some food.’

‘Thank you, my lady.’

‘You need to go back inside, too.’ Matthew placed a hand on her lower back, though he didn’t draw her towards him. ‘Your hair is still wet and...’ he glanced down and lifted an eyebrow ‘...are you barefoot?’

‘I was in a rush.’ She pulled her hands off her hips, walking alongside him back to the keep. ‘I wanted to know what the messenger had to say. At least it’s good news.’

‘I hope so.’ Matthew frowned. ‘Although it’s hard to tell with John. He’s a master of stalling. He could say one thing today and the complete opposite tomorrow, but at least it’s progress. Now come on. I need to make preparations.’

She stopped dead. ‘You mean you’re leaving today?’

‘As soon as possible. I need to reach London in time for the negotiations.’

‘But it’s almost noon and the messenger needs to rest. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?’

‘He can follow me tomorrow.’

‘I’d be happier if you rode with someone.’

‘I’ve ridden alone in worse places.’ He looked at her seriously. ‘I need to go, Constance. I helped start this rebellion. I can’t walk away from it now.’

‘So you’ve already made up your mind?’ She couldn’t keep the bitterness out of her voice. ‘Again?’

‘It’s what I have to do.’ He gave a taut smile. ‘And if anyone can take care of Lacelby while I’m gone, it’s you. It was what you said you wanted, remember?’

‘Then I’d better help you pack.’ She lifted her chin to hide her expression of hurt. She could manage Lacelby on her own. Only it wasn’t what she wanted, not any more.

* * *

‘You’re sure you know what to say?’ Matthew stood by the doorway, his stance tense, regarding Constance intently.

‘Yes! We’ve been over it at least ten times.’

‘Because it’s important. If anyone comes from the King, you need to know what to do.’
