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‘Once he found out that you’d left, he went to Lacelby and brought her back to Wintercott with him. He told her the barons’ plans had gone wrong and that you were wanted for treason.’

‘He lied to her?’ Matthew uttered a series of violent oaths. ‘Is she all right?’

‘As far as I know, but he’s been keeping her shut up in your room. I saw her arrive, but he’s been watching me like a hawk and I couldn’t get in to see her. I only know what he told her because I went to Lacelby before I came south. I thought they might have heard something from you.’ Alan ran a hand through his hair. ‘I hated leaving her and Adelaide alone with him, only I didn’t know what else to do.’

‘It’s all right.’ Matthew clasped his arm reassuringly. ‘You did the right thing, but how did you get away?’

‘Walter helped me. The whole of Wintercott’s divided. A small group of guards still support Father, the ones he’s favoured over the years mostly, but the rest have had enough. Now they’ve heard about the rebellion against the King, they want to put an end to father’s tyranny, too.’

‘Then we need to hurry.’ Matthew picked up his reins again.

‘Wait! We need a plan first. This is a trap, Matthew. Father wants to prove he’s still in control, that he can still beat us. He’ll use her against you if he can. Against the charter, too.’

‘If he wants a fight, then he can have one.’

‘But we don’t want anyone getting hurt, Constance and Adelaide especially. We need to be cleverer than him. Which means that first we need to get back into Wintercott without being noticed.’

‘What do you suggest?’

‘I had one idea.’ Alan’s expression turned hopeful. ‘I met a group of minstrels on the way here. They’re on their way back to Lincoln from Yorkshire and have a cart laden with instruments and scenery. It would be a perfect place to hide.’

Matthew groaned. ‘One of them wouldn’t have a scar down the left side of his face, would he, by any chance?’

‘Yes. How did you...?’

‘We’ve met. This is going to require a lot of gold and even more grovelling.’ He rubbed his jaw grimly. ‘Don’t worry. If it’s for Constance, I can do it.’

Chapter Twenty-Six

‘My lady?’

Constance jumped at the sound of Susanna’s whisper, a quick glance towards the window showing that it was still daylight. That was a relief. For one terrible moment she thought she’d slept through the whole day. Every time she closed her eyes, hours seemed to pass, as if the baby were as determined to make her sleep as it was to not let her eat.

‘Is it time?’

‘Yes, my lady, but there’s something else.’ Susanna sounded excited. ‘A messenger just arrived from the King. I don’t know what he said, but Sir Ralph flew into such a fury.’

‘He did?’ She pulled herself upright at once.

‘It must mean good news for the rebels, my lady.’

‘Yes.’ Which would have meant good news for her, too, if she hadn’t been trapped here at Wintercott, but if Sir Ralph knew he was on the losing side then he wouldn’t like it. There was no telling what he might do under such circumstances.

‘He hasn’t gone out to his manor like he said he was going to. Instead he’s in his chamber, writing a reply. The hall’s empty.’

‘Then I have to go!’ Constance wriggled quickly off the bed and slid on her leather boots, surprised to find that the floor didn’t instantly start swaying. At least the time trapped in her chamber had given her a chance to rest and feel better again.

‘I thought you’d say that, my lady, so I brought you this.’ Susanna handed her a grey cloak. ‘So you won’t stand out too much.’

‘Thank you.’ She accepted the bundle gratefully. ‘I’ll pay you back somehow, I promise.’

‘I know, my lady, and I’ve already spoken to my brother. He’ll prepare a horse and leave it by the blacksmith’s. Some travelling players have arrived so the grounds are already busy, but he says he’ll open the pigsty gate once he sees you’re out in the bailey. That ought to cause enough of a distraction to get you out of the castle. But don’t worry. You have more support than you might think.’

‘I do?’

Susanna nodded emphatically. ‘I told you Sir Ralph isn’t well liked. Most people are more than willing to turn a blind eye if they see you.’

‘Oh.’ Constance smiled and then stiffened. ‘But what about you? What if Sir Ralph finds out that you and your brother helped me?’
