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‘Matthew?’ For a moment she thought she was imagining things. It looked like Matthew and yet not the Matthew she knew, dressed in a bizarre blue-and-yellow-striped doublet with a crimson red hood pulled over his head.

‘Are you all right?’ He grabbed hold of her shoulders, his gaze moving swiftly over her body.

‘Yes, I’m not injured.’

‘How did you get in here?’ Sir Ralph’s voice contained a mixture of disbelief and loathing.

‘Quite easily, as it turns out. Most of your guards prefer me to you.’ Matthew pulled the hood back, his expression furious as he pushed Constance safely behind him. ‘And if you ever lay another finger on my wife, I’ll break every bone in your body.’

‘You want to fight me?’ His father laughed, picking his sword up from where Matthew had thrown it on the floor. ‘Then let’s fight. Let’s end this today.’

‘If that’s what you want.’

‘No!’ Constance tried to step forward, but Matthew’s arm held her back. He looked resolute, every bit as grim-faced and implacable as his father.

‘She’s right, Matthew, you can’t do this!’ Alan tried interceding this time. He was standing beside the door, Adelaide hovering close behind him. Apparently she’d found more people than Susanna in the gatehouse. ‘This is wrong.’

‘Trust you to say so.’ Sir Ralph’s expression was scathing. ‘You were always a coward.’

‘It’s not cowardice to do the right thing.’ Alan’s voice hardened. ‘You don’t have the King’s protection any more and you won’t get away with what you have in the past. The law won’t let you and neither will we.’

‘You’re my sons. Do you think you can tell me what to do?’

‘Yes,’ Matthew answered for them both, drawing his own sword to face his father across the hall. There was no stopping either of them now, Constance realised, holding her breath as Alan came and drew her away to one side.

‘If you care so much about your wife, why did you leave her alone?’ Sir Ralph sneered.

‘I never thought you’d stoop so low.’

‘Then you were wrong. You took Blanche from me. This makes us even.’

Sir Ralph swung his sword up over his head and then sliced it down in a powerful arc, so viciously that Constance felt her heart leap into her throat, but Matthew blocked it easily, deflecting the strike with a quick twist of his blade. In another second, his father lunged again, feinting first to one side and then the other, the way he had before, but this time the trick didn’t work. Matthew held his ground, repelling the attack with barely any sign of effort.

The sound of metal filled the hall, echoing so loudly it was almost deafening, the distance between the two men seeming to get smaller and smaller until the blades clashed almost in front of their faces. It was unbearable to watch and yet Constance couldn’t drag her eyes away. If she wasn’t mistaken, Sir Ralph’s blows were gradually weakening, his breath getting heavier and his cheeks flushing as Matthew forced him slowly but relentlessly backwards.

‘All Alan and I ever wanted was for you to treat us with kindness.’ Matthew pushed forward, speaking through clenched teeth. ‘You wouldn’t even give us that.’

‘Why should I?’ his father spat back. ‘I’m the master here. I won’t be defied by my own sons!’

‘You can’t rule by

fear!’ Matthew gave one last powerful shove, ramming his father up against the wall. ‘Not for ever. You and your King have had it your way for long enough.’ He knocked his father’s sword out of his hands and pointed the tip of his own at his throat. ‘It’s over.’

‘Kill me, then.’ Sir Ralph lifted his chin with a look of contempt.

‘No. I won’t give you that power either. From now on, you’ll live under our rules, mine and Alan’s.’

‘Or what?’

‘Or once the barons’ charter is signed, we’ll appeal to the King’s new council to have you stripped of all your lands and titles. You’ll find they’re a lot less tolerant of corruption than their predecessor. It’s your choice.’

Matthew lowered his sword, sliding it back into its scabbard before turning around to face her, his expression part-hopeful, part-apprehensive.


She didn’t hesitate, tearing away from Alan and flinging herself into his arms with such force that he had to take a few steps backwards to steady himself.

‘I’m sorry.’ He pressed his lips to her ear as she burrowed her face into his shoulder. ‘I didn’t know. I never thought...’
