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“Nothing much going on,” he indicates the live footage streaming in. “We had a few drunks last night who thought they could cheat at cards, but nothing that wasn’t easily handled.”

I nod, seems like something they’d be used to seeing in a casino.

“Any sign of Xavier’s uncle?” I ask, it’s the most important question to Travis and X right now. I’d like to see the bastard pay for putting two innocent women in harm’s way like he did. A week ago, I couldn’t fully comprehend the depth of rage they were feeling over what happened to Ana and Faye. Now I know that I’d go to any lengths necessary to make sure that anyone who hurt Ellie would pay for it.

“Nope,” there is a wealth of weight behind that single word. I know that Geno wants to find Dominic Cerelli as badly as anyone else, though he hasn’t dropped any hint about why that might be. Not to me anyway. I know there’s a reason, there always is. I guess time will tell. Secrets always seem to end up being revealed.

Settling into my chair, I slide the keyboard close and click a few times, cycling through camera views until I locate Ellie walking down the quiet corridor on the ninth floor. Her shoulders are slumped, her face sad, making me want nothing more than to rush to her side even though I know she wouldn’t welcome me right now. She already looks tired from pushing the heavy cart in front of her. Seriously, who thought those were a good thing for any of the housekeepers to be pushing around? There must be a better option. I’m surprised there haven’t been any injuries. Come to think of it, maybe there have been.

“Geno, can we pull HR files?”

“Well,” he hesitates, “we do have access to them. Why?” He’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Those carts the housekeepers use,” I don’t see any reason to lie, “are too big, don’t you think?” He glances to the screen I’d been monitoring. Ellie is still there, clear as day, struggling to push the heavily burdened cart down the hall.

“You know, they really are, aren’t they?” he sounds genuinely surprised. Like it’s the first time he’s even noticed the housekeepers.

“You never noticed?” I ask.

He has the good grace to look sheepish. “I should have,” he says. “I sit here half of the day watching them come and go. I should have brought that,” he points at Ellie fighting the stiff wheels of her cart over the threshold into a room, “to Xavier’s attention our first day here.”

“You were looking for threats,” I slap my hand onto the desk, pulling his gaze off Ellie and back to me, where it belongs. He nods. “Then you were focused on doing your job. Don’t beat yourself up.”

“Easy for you to say. You noticed it’s a problem in only a couple of weeks. I’ve been here more than six months.” His expression is grim as he swivels back to face his own screens. Beneath his breath I catch his muttered words, “Should kick my own ass.”

I silently chuckle. I may not have noticed either if I didn’t have a vested interest in Ellie, but I don’t have to tell Geno that. Let him think what he wants. I’ve been here long enough to know he’s not looking forward to telling Xavier that he missed something that should have been taken care of months ago.

“Glad I brought it to your attention then,” his hand comes up and the sleeve of his black sport coat slips up a fraction exposing dark tattoos. He does a good job keeping his ink hidden. This is the first time I’ve ever caught a glimpse of it. I don’t know why he would keep them hidden, Travis and I wear ours proudly. Xavier’s are usually covered up too, now that I think of it, but he doesn’t go to the same lengths to keep his hidden as it appears that Geno does. I’m not

sure why that is. Now I have something else to figure out.

I’m trying to frame a way to dig for an answer when the door opens behind us and we both turn to face Travis as he enters the room.

“Come on,” he looks at me and jerks his head toward the door.

“You gonna be okay alone till someone gets here?” I ask Geno who nods and turns back to his post.

“Okay, boss. Where are we going?” I can tell by the look on his face that something’s happened. My stomach plummets to my knees. My first thought being that something has happened to Ellie, but I was literally just watching her on the screen. I know that other than working too hard, she’s fine.

“X thinks the penthouse or his office might be under surveillance.”

“Bugs? Or something else?” I ask, my mind already going to what equipment I will need to get from my room.

He shrugs, “He didn’t say. Just that he wanted us to come take a look around and see if we can find anything.”

“I have to get a couple things,” I say, pressing the appropriate button on the lit-up panel.

“Where have you been running off to lately?”

Travis’ question doesn’t surprise me. I’ve been unavailable this past week more than I ever have before. I have no doubt that he’s curious, but until Ellie and I talk I’m not telling anyone anything. Not even my best friend.

“Been busy,” I grunt in response, relieved when the doors slide open with a ding, ending the conversation. Without a backward glance I stride to the door of my room and slide the key card. The room is cool and dark with the blinds closed, but I know what I’m looking for and right where it’s at.

Travis is waiting by the door when I come out of the bedroom. He doesn’t bring up my frequent absences again. “Got what you need?” he nods at the device in my hand.

“Yeah.” I carefully lock the door behind me and cross back to the waiting elevator.

“I won’t ask again, brother,” Travis drops a heavy hand on my shoulder, “as long as everything is okay. You aren’t in trouble?”
