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“Let me,” he offers.

“Thank you,” I murmur. I’m more than capable of managing a pile of blankets, but something about his tone has me stepping back and allowing him to maneuver it into the hall while I lock up behind us. I turn to face him, ready to go back upstairs and he is putting his phone back in his pocket, a half-smile on his full lips. I can’t help but smile back, so happy just to be spending time with him again.

“What?” I ask with a laugh.

“We have some time to kill. Sounds like everyone is taking a little alone time.” He wiggles his eyebrows in an exaggerated way, making me giggle and blush at the same time. Knowing what everyone is up to is a little weird, even though it’s not a secret. If we don’t have to go right back up maybe that means that we can...

Electric heat floods my limbs, making them heavy as the ghost of remembered pleasure lights up my body. I look up at Blake from under my eyelashes and suck my bottom lip between my teeth searching for any trace of the taste of him, but it’s gone. Washed away by our meal. I want it back.

“Don’t look at me like that, Ells,” his voice is rough and deeper than usual. My nipples pucker in response to the sound of his desire for me. I release my lip and slick the tip of my tongue over the bow of my upper one, checking again for the flavor of his kiss. A tortured groan breaks loose from him and he steps toward me, closing the distance separating us. Satisfaction like I’ve never felt before bubbles in my chest. Knowing that he wants me as much as I want him makes me long for the feelings only he has unleashed in me. How could I have been dumb enough to push this man away? I must have been temporarily insane.

The thought breaks the spell around me, and I reach out my hand for his. I need to tell him how I feel. “Blake, I’m really sorry…”

“You don’t have to apologize, angel,” he says gruffly, pulling me close, his green gaze clashing into mine.

“I really do,” I start again, only to be cut off when he gently sets his calloused fingertip on my lips stalling my words and the feelings of urgency I had about confessing my feelings.

“Later then? When we have more time?” he asks. I nod my agreement, not really wanting to get into my explanation when I know that he is going to have to leave soon.

“Okay. I really am sorry though,” I say, giving him a contrite smile.

“I know you are. I also know that there are reasons for what happened, and I do want to hear them. I just want to know that when we talk there won’t be any interruptions. You know that, right?” he tips my chin up so he can lock his eyes on mine. They radiate sincerity. Not that I would have expected anything else. Blake has never been anything less than completely honest with me. I’m the one who kept my feelings hidden and caused everything to go off the rails.

“I know,” I reassure him, happy when the small furrow between his eyebrows fades and is replaced by a smile and crinkles around his eyes.

“So, what are we gonna do while our friends do each other?” he laughs, making me blush again and I shake my head.

What I’d like to do is a repeat of earlier… with a little more privacy, but I’m too shy to say that. So instead I say, “Let’s take this upstairs and leave it in the hall,” I gesture to the cart with a shrug. I don’t have to say anything else; he must see the naughty thoughts behind my eyes because he leans down with a chuckle to kiss my lips.

“After that, wanna go to my place and make out?” he whispers provocatively before rubbing the tip of his nose against mine.

Making out sounds like the greatest idea ever! I rise onto my tiptoes and kiss him back. “Yeah.” I whisper back. There is no way that I’m going to miss out on that opportunity!

He winks and tips his chin at me. I swear he’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I don’t know how I got so lucky, that he’s giving me a second chance. There is no way I’m going to blow this again.

It only takes a few minutes to take the blankets upstairs. We abandon the cart in the hall outside the penthouse door. I can’t help my startled, and equally excited, squeal when Blake’s strong arms slip behind my back and knees sweeping me against his chest.

“You better be ready, babe,” he growls playfully in my ear as the elevator doors swish closed and we start to descend. Winding my arms around his neck I nod.

“Umm hmm,” I mumble against his throat, unable to put the feelings rioting through me into words.

Somehow, he manages to unlock the door to his apartment without setting me down. I haven’t been inside since the day I was here to clean. Carrying me into the cool room he finally lowers me to my feet but keeps me held in the loose circle of his embrace. In the dim light coming through the partially covered windows everything looks neat and tidy. I’m not sure who has been taking care of it since I was here. It hasn’t been assigned to anyone that I’m aware of.

“Who’s been cleaning for you?” I ask curiously, looking around when he lets me go to flip a switch, revealing that, as I suspected, everything in the room is in order and spotless. His arms wrap around my waist, his chin propped on my shoulder looking over his sp

ace from my vantage point.

“Just me,” he says wryly.

“I’d be happy to come back and do it if you want me too,” I offer, remembering how freaked out I was by the urge I had to crawl into his bed and surround myself with his scent. I feel the same way now as his warm, spicy aroma assaults my senses with the same result, liquifying my brain and sending my hormones racing into overdrive. I’m not scared of those feelings this time. Now all I want to do is act on them.

“Thank you for offering, but I don’t want you cleaning up after me. I’ve already told you that. You’re my girl, not my cleaning lady.” He says pushing my ponytail out of the way and kissing me the tender nape of my neck before carefully dragging his teeth over the sensitive spot. Shivers wrack through me as goosebumps race along my skin. His low laugh is sinful and full of promises as I turn in his arms to face him again.

“I am?” I ask, sliding my hands up his hard chest and encircling his neck in a loose embrace.

“Am what?” he teases, his lips just millimeters away, his clean breath feathering against mine. I want him to kiss me. Pressing closer I lift my face offering my mouth for the kisses I want so badly.

“Your girl?” I breathe, my voice a plea for him to touch his mouth to mine, to say I’m his, to forgive me for being stubborn and stupid.

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