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“You want me to believe you’re a virgin too?” she asks pushing up to look in my eyes, her hopeful voice giving her away. I wish I was. Wish I had known this perfect woman was out there waiting for me.

“I’ve never done what we just did with anyone else Ells.” I tell her truthfully. With a sigh, she lays back down, her long hair draping across my chest.

“Really?” she asks.

“Yeah, babe. Really.”

“Me either.” She cuddles closer into my arms, so sweet and innocent that I literally feel like my heart is twisting inside my chest. I’ve never felt this way before about anyone in my entire life.

“I know, angel,” I whisper, kissing the top of her head as her breathing evens out and she doses off, her body replete with the pleasure we just shared.

My ringing phone rouses me from my hazy, drowsy state. We haven’t been laying here for long. I don’t want to move any farther than the bed with Ellie in my arms, but I know it’s Travis. If he’s calling, then it’s time to go. There’s work to be done and it’s time to get to it.

“Ellie. Angel. It’s time to get up, babe.” I whisper, pushing her hair back so I can kiss her sleeping face.

“Hmmm?” she mumbles sleepily, smiling when her eyes flutter open to meet mine. “Hi.” Her whisper is thick and sexy, still heavy with sleep.

“It’s time to go back upstairs, angel.” This is why I didn’t want to fully make her mine. If I had, there is no way that I would be able to tear myself away from her. I’m having a hard-enough time as it is. My cock is already waking up, lengthening between us and begging to be kissed by her sweet lips. Swinging my feet to the floor I sit up, holding her on my lap. The wet heat between her thighs caresses my already throbbing hardness for long minutes while she wakes up. My phone rings again. “I’m sorry,” I mumble, helping her sit beside me as I reach for my pants, searching for my phone.

“Yeah, on my way,” I answer. Travis’ laughter is my answer and I hang up, shaking my head and stretching to my full height while I clean up and gather my clothes from where I discarded them on the floor. Reverently I help Ellie back into her dress, doing my best to smooth out the multitude of wrinkles caused by being bunched around her waist then dropped on the floor. I ignore my hard cock demanding that we stay and finish what we started and brush her hands out of the way so I can do up the row of small buttons running between her bare breasts. I’m unable to contain a groan at the feel of her silken skin against the back of my fingers.

When she is put back to rights to the best of my ability, I wrap her in my arms, breathing her in, wishing this was any other night. One where I could either keep her here with me or go home with her. I don’t think Beatriz would mind. It was a little awkward calling to tell her that there was a chance that they could be in danger, but she was happy that I am keeping an eye on Ellie, and that as an added precaution I would be sending John over to keep an eye on them while we dealt with Dominic.

When Bea expressed concern and admonished me to be safe, and to bring her girl home as soon as I could. I did what I had to. I promised her that Ellie would be safe in my care. I know the chances of anyone targeting the Lovell’s tonight are slim, but there isn’t any amount of risk I’m willing to take with their safety. I’ve never had a mother to worry about me. It’s a foreign feeling, but one I want more of.

Lacing my fingers with Ellie’s we exit the room and lock up behind us. The elevator ride is fast, too fast, but I use those short moments to hold my girl in my arms and pretend that I’m not about to attempt to take down a mob boss on his own turf on the eve of what sounds like a pretty major underground slave auction.

Work is work, and I’m not scared to do it, but there is always risk involved in these situations, and for the first time in my life I have someone I want to come home to. Someone who would miss me if I wasn’t here anymore.

Other than Trav. That fucker would miss me, not that he would ever admit it.

When the doors open, I lead Ellie out into the small hall. The cart of blankets and pillows is gone. Travis probably brought it in when he got here.

“Promise me that you won’t try to go anywhere tonight,” I rasp. “Your mom knows where you are, I talked to her earlier, and I swear she will be okay.”

“I’ll be here waiting for you to get back,” she vows, “besides, it sounds like every extra hand is going to be needed when you guys pull this thing off.”

She’s right. We will need as much help as possible. I know that Xavier was planning to tip Weaver off about the auction, but I’m not sure what his plan is about the people we are hoping to extricate tonight. The authorities will have to be involved. I don’t think there’s any way to avoid it. Not that we would want to anyway. These people need to be put away like the animals they are.

“Thank you,” I push the door open and usher her in before she can reply. The living room is already full of people.

“About damn time,” Travis barks, but he’s smiling as he takes in Ellie’s rumpled appearance and my cocky grin. I don’t care if the whole world knows that I made her mine tonight.

“Yeah, yeah.” I mutter.

r /> Faye waves and calls out to Ellie from the kitchen where she and Ana are putting the finishing touches on platters of food. Ignoring the stares of my best friend and the three other men in the room I wrap her in my arms and whisper in her ear, “Will you spend tonight with me? After I get back?”

Her gulp is audible, and I can’t help it. I nuzzle the sweet place behind her ear that I know makes her shiver and follow it with a light kiss.

She nods quickly.

“I will make sure these guys do their jobs asap then.” I pat her ass and urge her in the direction of her gaping friends. “Go help Ana and Faye. I’ll see you soon.” She stumbles forward a step, looking back at me, her cheeks bright pink against her golden skin. I wink and she shakes her head wordlessly before walking into the kitchen. The sounds of urgent whispers reaches my ears, but I can’t hear what they are saying to her.

My chuckle dies in my throat when I turn my attention back to the assembled men. It’s time to work. “You fuckers ready?” I ask. How do X and Travis get anything accomplished if this is what it feels like to be separated from the other half of your soul? I already miss Ellie and can’t wait to see her again and it’s only been five seconds.

“Been waiting for you,” Geno retorts, “I’ve got everything we need downstairs, so if everyone’s ready now…?”

We are.

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