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Doing as I’m told I walk silently back to the end of the hall with Mama on my heels. When I push open the door she smiles and slips past me, scooping Auggie’s sturdy little body off his bed.

I look at her, confusion written on my face. “Where are you taking Auggie?”

“To my room so you can sleep in,” her voice is unaffected, but I swear that I detect a hint of teasing humor behind her words. “We have plans to go to breakfast and the park with John later and if Auggie is with me already… well, then you won’t have to be woken up. I’ll make sure Liz lets you sleep in too.” She laughs, snuggling her face against his little neck. “Sleep well daughter.”

She closes the door, leaving me standing in the glow of the Spiderman night light, more than a little confused by what just happened.

“Ells?” Blake murmurs from the shadows.

“I’m here.” I whisper, unsure if he’s awake or asleep.

“Get your sweet ass over here, angel.” His voice is thick and sleepy and oh, so tempting. I don’t have to be told twice. I quickly cross over to him, preparing to climb over into the space between his big body and the wall when his arms snake out of the blankets and capture me around the waist, dragging me down on top of him with a muffled shriek.

“That’s better,” he grumbles, dragging me with him as he scoots over, making room for me to find my way under the covers and into his waiting arms. His deep sigh ruffles my hair before he cuddles his face against my neck and throws a heavy leg over mine. We lay that way in silence for a long minute. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t say anything else. Tentatively I pull back, hoping to see his face. He mumbles in protest, holding me tighter.

“Blake,” I whisper. I’m so warm. It feels so good. I yawn. “Blake?”

A quiet snore answers my query. He’s asleep. A contented smile tugs the corner of my lips. I can’t stifle another yawn. Shifting so that it’s my leg over his, which is much more comfortable, I give into the coziness and allow myself to drift off, lulled by the steady rhythm of Blake’s breathing, my hand pressed over his heart.

Delicious heat radiates through my entire body, warming me from the top of my head all the way down to my toes. Peeking under my lashes at Blake I stretch out beside him, relishing in the feel of his hard body pressed against mine under the covers. I’ve never woken up in bed with anyone other than a family member in my entire life. It’s a unique experience. One I will always remember. I roll to face him, my eyes lingering on his stubbled jaw and relaxed features. In the glow of the bright sunlight filtering through curtains he looks younger, and more gorgeous, than ever before.

“Are you watching me sleep?” He mumbles, his voice is rich with laughter as he rolls over, throwing an arm over me and pulling me close.

I return the slightly uncomfortable hug and kiss the pulse beating in his neck, tasting his slightly salty, sleep-warm skin with the tip of my tongue. A throaty growl escapes his lips as he dips his face toward mine. Giggling I turn away, presenting him with my cheek.

“I need to brush my teeth first,” I whisper.

“I borrowed your toothbrush last night, that’s the same as kissing before brushing.” He’s laughing at me. I roll my eyes.

“How do you know it was my toothbrush?” I tease.

“I will have to apologize to Auggie then. I didn’t think that the pink electric toothbrush would be his when there was a cool Spiderman toothbrush right there. My mistake.”

I can’t stop my snorting laugh at the thought of Auggie using my bright pink toothbrush. He would be so offended by anything other than his Spidey one.

“Go brush your teeth then,” he says, “Because I’m only waiting five more seconds and then I’m kissing your dirty mouth.” He threatens, moving closer and pressing his closed lips to mine and exaggerating a passionate moan.


I kick free of the covers and barrel over him to get off the bed before he makes good on his threat. Maybe someday I will be brave, or comfortable, enough to kiss him without being sure that my breath is minty fresh, but today is not that day. It flits through my mind that I let him do a lot more than that yesterday without much protest. He probably thinks I’m being silly, but that was in the heat of the moment. Kissing with dragon breath… I just can’t. Someday maybe.

When the mattress bounces and I hear the swish of blankets falling to the floor I can’t contain my squeal of laughter as I dash into the bathroom and grab my pink toothbrush. I hustle to squeeze toothpaste on it and start brushing. I wrinkle my nose when the sickly-sweet taste of bubblegum hits my tongue. Wrong toothpaste. Yuck!

Blake sidles up behind me, his muscled arms wrapping around my waist. He pulls me back against him, his chin resting on top of my head. “Smells fruity.”

“Bubblegum.” I mumble around a mouthful of foam before leaning forward to spit as discreetly into the sink as I can, then rinse my mouth with water from the tap. My butt pops out when I lean over, pressing against his groin and the hardness behind his loose sweats nestles against me. OMG!!

“Since we’re doing this,” he reaches for my toothbrush and I playfully smack his hand.

“There’s a spare in the drawer,” I offer, pulling it open and fishing out the brand-new toothbrush.

“Can I leave it here, so I always have one when I need it?” He asks, his tone amused, belying his serious eyes as they meet mine in the mirror as he unwraps it and picks up Auggie’s toothpaste.

“If you want,” I whisper, suddenly feeling shy.

“Cool,” he says casually, like he didn’t just drop a bomb on m

e. He plans on staying here enough that he’ll need a toothbrush! My heart races with excitement and nerves, but Blake just pops the new brush in his mouth and starts scrubbing away, his gaze never leaving mine. How can he look so hot brushing his teeth? He does the same discreet spit and rinse that I did before continuing. “Now that I have my own toothbrush, I’m probably going to be here a lot.”

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