Page 83 of The Big Break

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Disappointment rushed through Jun. She should’ve been relieved, but instead, all she felt was loss.

“You were right. You’ve always been right. Sex and...this...are distracting me from the job I have to do right now.” Kai sighed with frustration. Jun had never thought being told she was right could feel so wrong. “I’ve got to surf Jaws, and if I’m thinking about you, I’m liable to die trying.”

Jun opened her mouth to protest, but he shook his head.

“So, I’m going to abide by your rules. No kissing. No hugging. No sex. Nothing.” Kai took a step back, hands in the air. Jun suddenly wanted to jump on him, to test his resolve, and hers. Yet the look on his face told her he was dead serious. Why did that news bring with it a stab of bitterness?

“But I’m giving you fair warning right now, Jun Lee.” Determination flashed in his dark eyes. “After this competition, I will come for you. You won’t be able to hide from me, so you’d better be ready.”


OVER THE NEXT couple of days, Kai was indeed a perfect gentleman.

It should’ve brought Jun relief, but instead, his careful businesslike persona drove her wild with frustration. He’d become little more than an automaton spouting pleasantries, and he vigilantly avoided touching her. But she hadn’t forgotten his words. Some days she wondered if he’d even said them at all, but she’d never forget the look on his face when he had.

I will come for you.

What did that mean? Was he going to ravish her on the beach near the announcer’s stand right after his surfing stint? The fact was, she didn’t know, but she couldn’t help but enjoy a delicious sort of anticipation. She should’ve been feeling dread, but she wasn’t. Not at all. In her imagination, the possibilities got more and more elaborate, more passionate, and absolutely more...naughty.

What was wrong with her? She had time to breathe, to switch back to her no-sex mode, and yet, even working alongside all-business Kai, all she could think about was sex.

She tried to muster up some indignation. After all, she wasn’t a surfboard he could buy and then ride whenever he wanted.

Come for her. She wasn’t property that he could claim. She was a person. With a will of her own and a mind she intended to use.

She wasn’t living in prehistoric times: a man couldn’t hit a woman over the head and drag her back to her cave, for goodness’ sake.

Yet, as time ticked down to the competition and she grasped that she had less than a week to get her libido and her willpower back under control, she questioned whether she could do it. Kai’s deliberate ultraprofessional demeanor still irked. She wasn’t sure if it was because she wanted to kiss him or because she wanted to tell him what he could do with his random declarations of war.

She retaliated by making him lift heavier weights and run farther and take meditation sessions to a whole new level. Still, the fact that he spent more time on the water was a good thing. His knee was stronger, and for that she felt a certain level of pride, but even more, she was glad to have a break from his relentlessly polite, diabolically detached behavior. She didn’t like the no-funny-business Kai. She didn’t like him one bit.

She was thinking about this when she showed up on his doorstep on a Friday morning to discover an empty house. No one answered his doorbell, and when she called his cell, it went straight to voice mail.

That was when a message popped up on her phone.

No training today. Envelope for you in my mailbox.

Odd, Jun thought as she went to his mailbox and pulled out a letter that had her name scrawled on the front. She opened the envelope and a check for more than $30,000 spilled out along with a note.

Dear Jun,

I had to fly to Maui to shoot ads on Jaws and prep for the competition this weekend. Should’ve left before now but realize the move won’t work for you and Po, so I’m giving you a bonus check. I’m further along than I ever thought possible, but now I have to finish training on my own. Jaws is dangerous, as you know, and I’ll need my full concentration here.

I want to thank you for the tools you gave me. I had doubts about ever getting on a board again, but you and Po made it possible for me to try.
