Page 47 of Dawn Of Desire

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Albyn studied Oriana rather than the crowd. Puzzled by her interest, he appeared slightly perplexed. “I spoke with Yowan earlier, and both his sons are here with him. If there are any others, I’ve not seen them.”

Oriana waited until Egan had satisfied himself no one else had been overlooked. “May I meet them, please?”

Egan was grateful she was not the same completely disinterested beauty he had escorted the previous evening, he broke into a broad smile. “I shall be happy to introduce you to whomever you choose, but I must warn you that Yowan loves nothing more than the sound of his own voice, and his sons are so eager to talk, they constantly interrupt each other.”

“How charming,” Oriana replied, but she was elated to discover there was someone present who might know something more about Adelaine than her devoted maid was willing to tell.

Yowan was nearly as tall as Egan. Over the years his fiery red hair had deepened to auburn, but a lively light danced in his blue-gray eyes. He bowed slightly when Egan and Oriana approached, and took obvious pride in introducing his sons, who were strapping lads with the family’s bright red hair and blue eyes.

“I did not anticipate a challenge,” Yowan began in a conspiratorial whisper, “but I should have expected no better from Kieran. Clearly he has more of Ula’s blood in his veins than Cadell’s. I would not trifle with him as you did today. On the morrow, kill him cleanly, and welcome your title as king. Each minute you delay, Kieran grows stronger.”

Egan nodded as though he were in agreement. “It has been too long since your last visit. Please bring more of my mother’s people on your next journey.”

Yowan fixed his sons with a stern glance. “As soon as this pair are wed, I’ll do just that. Until then, I’ll have no more time for travel.”

While Oriana had made only polite murmurs during previous conversations, she reached out to touch Yowan’s sleeve. “You were Adelaine’s brother?” she inquired.

“Aye, that I was, and a dearer sister never lived. She was as joyous as a summer day, and that she was not alive when my sons were born has caused me great sorrow.”

Oriana was deeply gratified to learn Adelaine had possessed a sunny disposition, for it made suicide most unlikely. She smiled at Egan’s cousins, whose roving eyes proved they were far more interested in observing the young women present than in interrupting their father’s conversation. While their coloring was more vivid, they bore a slight resemblance to Egan and were equally muscular and fit.

“Have the two of you met Madi?” she asked. “She looks rather lonely tonight.”

“She’s no one we’d care to meet,” the taller of the young men replied with a barely suppressed snort.

“No, indeed,” added his brother. “I’d sooner court an honest shepherdess.”

While amusement tickled Egan’s lips, Oriana quickly encouraged the conversation in the direction she wished it to go. “Is it only Madi who’s not truthful, or her entire family?”

Yowan leaned close to whisper, “This is Ula’s home, my lady, and for my sons’ sakes, I’ll not question her family’s morals while we’re so badly outnumbered. Fortunately, no such inquiries are needed when it is a well-known fact that they will seize power by whatever means necessary. We should have foreseen Kieran’s challenge years ago and prepared for it.”

“Has such an eventuality always existed?” Oriana asked with feigned innocence.

“Aye, I’m sorely afraid that it has,” Yowan confided. “To protect Egan’s future, I advised Cadell to wed another lass from our family. But Adelaine’s cousins all reminded him too much of the dear love he’d lost, and Ula was a tempting distraction.”

Oriana watched distaste for the haughty woman twist Yowan’s expression into a revolted sneer and shared his sentiments completely. “Well, you did your best to protect Egan’s interests.”

“Aye, that I did, and you’d be wise to follow my advice on the morrow, lad, and become king of the Dál Cais without further delay.” Yowan looked to his sons for support, and they murmured the appropriate encouragement.

Egan responded with a deep chuckle. “No one has dared to address me as ‘lad’ in years, uncle. It’s good that you’re here, but I’ve set my own course.”

Yowan shook his head sadly. “You’re as headstrong as Cadell, but I hope you’ll not pay as dearly.”

In an instant the tone of the conversation darkened, and though Egan was obviously insulted, Oriana appreciated Yowan’s insight. “Is that a comment on his second marriage, or the manner of his death?” she whispered.

Behind them, the fire crackled in the huge hearth, and the minstrel’s voice soared in a bawdy refrain. Laughter echoed throughout the crowded hall, but they were encircled in a sudden silence. Oriana tilted her head slightly and risked staring directly at Yowan to prompt his reply.

Appearing shocked by the question, Yowan quickly looked away. “I’ve heard whispers about you, my lady, but even after Egan is named king, you’d best watch your tongue.”

Egan bristled at the warning. “In the future, direct all your advice to me,” he insisted, then dismissed his uncle and cousins with a curt nod. He took Oriana’s hand in a firm grip and led her toward the first of the low tables.

“It’s time for the evening meal,” he announced loudly, but he dropped his voice to insist, “You’ll save the rest of your questions for later.”

He sounded thoroughly annoyed with her, and perhaps she had been too bold, but there had been no way to speak privately with Yowan. Now she would have to think of some frivolous reason to explain why she had been so interested not merely in Adelaine, but also in Ula and Madi’s family.

Then who would be the liar? She had been quick to condemn Ula’s family for plotting murder, but perhaps she was merely attempting to justify her own lies. She wanted only to protect Egan, but now seated at his side, it hurt to have to keep secrets.

Guilt-ridden, her glance strayed toward the richly textured tapestries decorating the walls. Their deep colors added to the richness of the hall, and she could see in the flickering torchlight the subject of the largest appeared to be two men sailing skyward on huge wings. Because such a fanciful interpretation was absurd, she turned away to search the crowded hall for the one man she had not seen.
