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“I swear I’m ready for a sweet convent-raised Spanish girl.”

Libby winked at him. “She wouldn’t be nearly as much fun.”

“Fun isn’t everything.”

She raised a brow, and he glanced away. “I thought so.” She looked out at the sea and fortunately didn’t see anyone calling for help. They waited and waited, with their only source of hope the lack of gunfire up the beach.

Santos yawned and got up to stretch. He pulled his phone from his pocket and called Cazares for a brief update. “Nuñez took Fermin and Luis Rubio into the house, and Cazares says they haven’t come out.”

“Luis has to be blaming Rigoberto Avila,” Libby said.

Maggie nodded. “I’d do the same thing if I were in his shoes.”

Santos looked down the beach, where a woman with short curly gray hair was rapidly approaching. She held a baby boy in her arms. He cursed under his breath. “Do you believe this?”

The attractive woman wore a pretty floral dress. The baby hung on to her collar with one hand and sucked his fingers with the other. “I’m so sorry to bother you. You are Santos Aragon, aren’t you?”

Santos nodded. The baby had shiny black hair and beautiful brown eyes. Libby thought he resembled Santos so closely he could have been his child rather than his father’s. She pulled a chair out for the woman. “Won’t you join us?”

“Thank you. I’m Beatriz Ramirez, and we live down the beach. I’ve never had such a frightening day, but from what I’ve overheard, Victoria and her father may have threatened you. You must have encountered other overly enthusiastic fans, but Luis and his daughter are such nice people, they couldn’t have meant you any harm.” She bounced the baby on her knee and made him giggle.

“It’s more complicated than that,” Santos cautioned. “We had to involve the police.”

“Is he Victoria’s son?” Maggie asked.

“Yes, isn’t he adorable? He’s the sweetest little thing. She’s never told me his father’s name, but apparently the man abandoned her. She’s had a difficult time managing on her own, and now the police have arrested her. However you’re involved, Mr. Aragon, I hope you’ll show compassion. Miguel Angel needs a mother who’s free to care for him.”

Santos leaned forward. “Mrs. Ramirez, I think you ought to go home. The detective handling the case must have told your husband why Victoria was arrested. Ask him to explain it to you.”

Libby stood and gestured toward the beach. “I’ll walk you home.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Maggie interjected. “Nuñez told us to stay put for the time being.”

“He told me to stay out of the way,” Beatriz added, “but little boys don’t know how to be quiet. That’s why I came here. I was hoping we could straighten out everything this afternoon so Victoria wouldn’t have to spend the night in jail.”

Santos pulled himself to his feet. “Someone tried to kill me, Mrs. Ramirez. Not once, but three times, so I’m all out of compassion. Please excuse me. I need to go in.”

Beatriz Ramirez’s eyes grew wide with disbelief. As Santos left, she looked to Libby and Maggie. “Kill him?” she asked incredulously. “Victoria and her father can’t be guilty of attempted murder.”

“Let’s leave the matter to the police,” Libby answered. “Why don’t you look after Miguel Angel and let them conduct their investigation.”

“This is terrible,” Beatriz replied, and the baby began to cry. “Oh, I’ve upset him. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here.”

“Let me hold him,” Maggie asked. She got up to take the baby, and he looked up at her and stopped crying with a gulp. “Aren’t you a handsome little guy,” she cooed and walked him around the patio.

“Would you like something to drink?” Libby asked. “I would, and I’ll be happy to ask for something for you too.”

Beatriz sniffed back her tears. “A glass of water, please.”

Libby went into the kitchen, and Julian followed her out with three glasses of water and a plate of cookies. He smiled as he placed them on the table along with napkins. “Thank you,” Libby said. “The chef here makes the best cookies.” She took one.

Beatriz took a sip of water and twisted her hands in her lap. “My husband’s an attorney. If he’d been home when the police arrived, they wouldn’t have arrested Victoria.”

Maggie retook her chair and put Miguel Angel on her knee. “Do you know Carmen Aragon, Santos’s grandmother?”

“No. I knew this was Miguel Aragon’s home but never met him or his family. We have no friends in common. Santos is nearly as well-known as his father. Whoever wished him ill, I hope they’ll be caught soon, but Victoria and Luis can’t have anything to do with it.”

“Do you know her well?” Libby asked.
