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“Nothing, but I want you first. You are a better dessert than icy custard.”

“And not a calorie goes to your abs.” She crawled up onto the bed, and he caught her in a playful hold that quickly turned as passionate as his kisses. Breaking away to breathe, she licked his ear and whispered softly, “Is this just a protein rush?”

“No, it’s all you.”

He wound his hands in her hair to hold her down on the bed and rubbed his cheek over her breasts. He then kissed her so thoroughly she failed to notice how low he’d pulled the neckline of her gown until she felt the warmth of his tongue on a nipple. He pulled the tender bud gently through his teeth, and she arched her back to revel in the glorious sensation. “We need to turn off the lights,” she whispered.

“You’re too beautiful to hide in the dark,” he murmured and sucked her other nipple.

She loved looking at him too and combed her fingers through his hair as he spread kisses over the slight roundness of her breasts. “You must be the only man alive who doesn’t like big boobs.”

“Be grateful you found him.” He pulled up her gown to place a noisy kiss in her navel and spread a trail of teasing kisses up her thighs.

She took a deep breath, raised her arms above her head and floated on the delicious sensations he created with such a tender touch and light kisses. The boys at home had so much to learn, but she had absolutely no desire to tutor them. She just wanted Santos and sighed as he held her open with his fingertips and blew across her clit. His breath was warm, his mouth hot when he licked her with a slow, circling caress. When he slid two fingers inside her, she moaned as a hot bolt of joy swept through her. Too weak to do more than mumble softly, she needed a couple of breaths to find the strength to open her eyes and smile.

“Too much?” he asked.

“With you, never. Come here.”

He took care to move over her and kissed her with his lips still tasting of her sweetness. “I love making you come.”

He’d spoken the word without choking, but he hadn’t said he loved her. “What I like is drawing you close and pushing you to the edge when your eyes have the dark gleam of melted chocolate. That’s when I like letting you come.”

He closed his eyes and sighed. “That’s it. My turn.” He remembered to pull on a condom and eased into her, rocked her, breathed into her ear to make her giggle and stroked her, sliding on her wetness to bring her to a second jolting orgasm before he found his own deep within her. He held her tight and let her float back to earth in his arms. “I’m going to make love to you all night.”

“Go for it,” she begged against his lips, and she smothered his deep laugh with a hungry kiss. They needed nothing more than each other to skim paradise, and she gave as much as he gave and loved it all.

When she fell asleep, he hugged her close and stared up at the ceiling. They’d turned out the light, and the room held only the soft moonlight glow from the balcony. The sea sang a calming refrain in the distance, but sorrow overwhelmed him.

He knew what he had to do, but felt sick clear through at how badly he’d hurt them both. She was fond of reminding him she’d be gone at the end August, but he’d fallen hard for her and felt as though he were awaiting execution. The sex was so good, he knew he could talk her into staying with him, but she’d planned her life, and he’d be pulling her onto a passionate but ultimately deeply disappointing detour.

He couldn’t take her where she wanted her life to go. She’d realize it soon enough, and her affections would cool to indifference. It would be better to bring the heartbreak now while he could still bear it.

When Libby awoke the next morning, Santos had already left for the physical therapist’s office, and she was amazed he’d found the strength to leave her bed. She blinked at the travel clock and realized Maggie would be there any minute. She quickly showered, dressed and was walking down the stairs as her sister arrived.

“We need to make up for a lost day,” Maggie greeted her. “Have you had breakfast?”

“I don’t need anything this morning.” Her mischievous smile turned into an incriminating giggle.

“You look too sated on sex to eat. I know the feeling. It’s glorious, isn’t it?”

“Hmm,” Libby answered. She’d worn one of her short dresses and easily climbed into Rafael’s Mercedes sedan. She showed off her new bracelet. “Isn’t this gorgeous? I don’t need presents from Santos, but it’s so nice he wanted to give me one.”

“It’s a beautiful bracelet. I told you he was sincere,” Maggie insisted. “Now today I’d like to look at the apartments near the university. Not so close they would be filled with rowdy students, but close enough so Rafael won’t have a long commute.”

“You’ve become such a doting wife.”

Maggie laughed. “It’s much easier than I ever thought it would be.”

“I understand. With the right man, everything’s easy.” Libby smiled to herself and wondered what delicious fun the coming night would bring.

Santos met them for lunch, but he had little interest in his sandwich, while Libby was so hungry she eyed the half he’d left on his plate. “Do you mind?” she asked.

“Not at all.” He swapped plates with her. “Tell me more about your morning.”

Maggie described the apartments they’d seen. “We need something with at least two bedrooms, but the choices all seem to be too big or too small. We’ll just have to keep looking.”

Libby watched Santos as her sister spoke. He nodded in the right places, but appeared preoccupied. “Santos, what’s wrong? Please tell us if there’s another disaster coming.”
