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“Yes, sir, let’s do it,” Santos agreed, but he wouldn’t allow any mention of tangents.

Saturday morning, Santos left early with Manuel to pick up the twins and Fox at the airport. When they came home, Maggie squealed as loudly as her half sisters. “I didn’t know you were coming, and Fox, how wonderful of you to be here too.”

Fox was handsomely dressed in his navy blue school blazer and gray slacks, but his white-blond hair was spiked in his familiar style. He managed a half-smile and shrugged, as noncommittal as always until Patricia came down the stairs. She paused at the bottom step and looked him up and down, slowly.

“You’re awfully cute. I sure hope we aren’t related,” she said.

Fox blushed a deep red. “I’m not related to anyone here. Santos just pretends I am.”

The twins were in black tights and flowing print tops with their hair in ribbon-festooned ponytails. Perry clutched a photo album. “We’re Maggie’s sisters, and we’ll be working with Alber Elbaz at Lanvin.” They turned back to back and linked arms. “He saw a photo of us and instantly planned a whole campaign featuring us. We’re beginning with perfume ads for French Vogue.”

Libby came in from her run in time to hear a mention of Vogue as the twins showed off their photos. Patricia had entranced a blond kid in a blue blazer. Santos stood back, looking proud. She wondered how much of the family he’d produce for the wedding.

Her mother came up behind her. “Who are they?” she asked.

“More of Miguel’s children, although the boy says he isn’t.”

“Of course, they’d be related to Maggie. How strange this all is, like attending a family reunion and discovering you’re in the wrong hotel. I can’t wait to go home.”

Libby understood exactly how her mother felt. Everything was so comfortable at home, where they weren’t surprised by what lay around every corner. Maggie was laughing with the fair-haired twins. They looked like they were Gundersons too.

At their mother’s urging, Maggie had written a schedule for the day. They planned to do each other’s hair and manicures, silly stuff they’d do together for the last time with their mother before Maggie left them for what could be forever. The twins were jumping up and down, Fox couldn’t take his eyes off Patricia, and Libby met Santos’s gaze. He nodded and remained where he stood. She edged her way around the others to him and pulled him aside.

“Are there more of Miguel’s children coming?”

“No, I invited Enrique and Maria Luisa, but they don’t care much for the rest of us and won’t be here.”

“That’s a shame.”

Santos shrugged. “Not really. They’re mad about the will and aren’t speaking to me.”

“Doesn’t that bother you?”

“No, not at all. Is there anything more I can do today? I have the champagne chilling, and Mrs. Lopez made certain the crystal flutes sparkle as beautifully as the rest of our crystal.”

She’d forgotten all about the champagne. “Thank you. I think everything’s done. Tomas was already decorating the cake when I went out to run. The flowers should be here at three. We have our clothes. What are you wearing?”

He laughed and touched her arm. “Don’t worry. I own suits that aren’t covered with sequins.”

“I’m sure you do. Maybe you should keep an eye on the twins.”

“They’ve lived here, Libby. They can entertain themselves, and Patricia is amusing Fox.”

“Let’s hope she doesn’t amuse him too much. What’s the age of consent in Spain?”

He grimaced slightly. “Thirteen.”

Her eyes widened. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

“No, it’s thirteen, but you don’t need to tell Patricia, and I doubt Fox knows.”

She gave him a slow, appraising glance. “I’ll bet you were really something at thirteen.”

“That depends on how you define ‘something’. I was tall but too skinny for girls to notice if I turned sideways. By the summer I was seventeen, I’d grown up enough to have pretty girlfriends, but I’d had a long wait. Fox is seventeen, and I’m as close to a parent as he has, but he’s so jaded he wouldn’t listen if I gave him a lecture on safe sex.”

“Do it anyway,” she said, then whispered, “I’m glad today has finally arrived. I’m okay with Maggie marrying Rafael. Are you?”

His eyes narrowed. “No, but I can’t stop it.”
