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An hour before sunset, the sky glowed a glorious golden peach and the nearly deserted beach retained the day’s luscious warmth. The members of the wedding party were dressed beautifully, including the twins in short pink puffs of brocade. Maggie’s tiered lace gown had a matching pale blue-and-silver-beaded bolero, and she’d added a dozen silver bangles on each wrist. Patricia and Libby had styled their hair in crowns of curls and were as pretty as the roses they carried. Their mother had left her apricot suit hanging in the closet and chosen the long floral skirt and pale sweater she’d purchased in El Sol y La Luna boutique down the beach.

Rafael and his best man, Dr. Claudio Mendez, were in gray. Peter and Santos were in a darker gray, while Fox wore his blazer and slacks. The string quartet and flute were seated on the patio, and their lilting classical tunes carried on the sea breeze. The Unitarian Universalist minister, Hannah Torres, wore a light blue linen suit with a white silk stole. She frequently officiated at tourists’ weddings on the beach and conducted the brief indoor rehearsal with reassuring charm.

Libby thought they’d made everything as beautiful as it could possibly be. Their mother had spun their preliminary plans into a perfect evening. They couldn’t have done it without her and Santos, who was also a master with detail. Every day she discovered something new about him, and for a man who’d fascinated her from first sight in the airport, that just wasn’t fair.

Once Cirilda and her ex-husband arrived, Alfonso helped Santos across the sand, and they were ready to begin. Perry whispered to Maggie, “I wish Father could have been here.”

Maggie wound her arm around Peter’s. “My father is here. Shall we go?”

Peter hung back. “I’m not ready for this, and I’ll have to do it two more times. How can any father stand to give away his daughter?”

Maggie hugged him. “You don’t give away the love, Dad, nor mine for you. Nothing will ever change how we feel about each other.”

“Damn.” Peter pulled out his handkerchief and blew his nose. “I hope Rafael will be the joy to you your mother has always been for me.”

“He will be,” Maggie assured him. They were waiting at the door behind the main staircase, and Libby leaned out to signal the musicians to begin the wedding march. The twins went first, an impromptu addition, and created a rose-petal path. Patricia attempted a stately walk, and Libby followed, her lime-green skirt brushing the sand. Their mother had already taken her place near Santos, Alfonso, Cirilda and Nadia, the best man’s wife.

The group formed a welcoming half circle, and from where Libby stood as maid-of-honor, she had a clear view of everyone. She’d never seen Rafael wear such a wide grin, but Maggie’s smile was equally joyous as she walked toward him on their father’s arm. Their father still looked emotional, but once he’d reached their mother and taken her hand, he took a deep breath to steady himself. Santos gazed down at his shoes as though he couldn’t bear to watch. Maybe, like Perry, he was remembering Miguel and missing him terribly.

The romantic setting and the minister’s intimate tone drew them all into the wedding’s enchantment with a beautiful ceremony, with touching poetry and graceful blessings. With Maggie completely unable to write her side of the vows, Reverend Torres led them in the traditional promises. Maggie had expected the simple wedding band they had picked out together, but Rafael slipped a wide gold band with bezel-set rubies on her finger. Fashioned after rings once worn by Spanish royalty, it looked perfect on her hand.

He smiled. “I was born loving you, and I’ll love you beyond forever.”

Tears flooded Libby’s eyes, and her mother needed the lace handkerchief she’d been wise to hold. Peter sniffed loudly, but Maggie was clear-eyed. She slid the gold band that should have matched her ring on Rafael’s finger.

“I love you with all my heart and soul, and I always will.”

“May the joy you share today bless your union all your days,” the minister said. “You are now husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Maggie threw her arms around Rafael’s neck, and he lifted her off her feet for a kiss he hurried to end before the tide came in. Everyone moved close to congratulate the pair. Peter had taken photos of the girls earlier and now photographed Maggie with Rafael. “Hurry before we lose the light.”

As soon as her father was satisfied, Libby moved toward Santos. “Let me help you inside.

” She lowered her voice. “Couldn’t you bear to watch?”

“I felt a horrible sense of déjà vu. My father married four times, and I had a part in three of the ceremonies. He always sounded convincing, but he never honored his vows.”

“Do you expect the same from Rafael?” she whispered.

“I don’t know what to expect from him. He could be wild, or perfectly devoted. We’ll have to wait and see.”

“I’m hoping for the best.” They’d reached the door, and she held it open for him.

“You should go upstairs and put on your brace.”

“I’ll be all right.”

“You’re paying for my advice. Don’t you intend to take it?”

“The contract begins tomorrow, but fine, let’s go up in the elevator.”

“Will it hold two?” She followed him down the back hall.

He opened the door and pulled back the sliding gate. “The maids use it for laundry, the vacuum cleaner or whatever they need. It will easily hold us.”

He let her enter first, pulled the door closed and slid the gate shut. The control panel had three buttons. He pressed the top one, and the elevator began a slow assent with a low, throbbing hum. He hit the stop, and caught her between his outstretched arms.

“Santos!” She giggled. “Is this what you really wanted?” She leaned close to give him a slow deep kiss. His scent drew her in, made her long for more, but not now, not yet. His lashes were so long and thick they shaded his eyes but didn’t hide their teasing gleam. “I want to help Maggie and Rafael celebrate. Let’s just get your brace and join the party.”
