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Alejandro held Ana tightly so she wouldn’t fall, but they’d never danced together, and now he wished they had. “We need some music,” he whispered in her ear.

“Hum to yourself, but if you make me laugh, we’ll be here all day.”

“I’ll be serious,” he promised, but it wasn’t easy, and the tunes he hummed in his mind were all silly jingles for products he never used.

Although he appeared in only half the photos they took that morning, he was relieved when he finally had time to sit and observe. As promised, he kept quiet and was impressed by how easily Ana summoned a gorgeous smile on cue. It reminded him of the day he’d discovered her true identity. He’d thought every minute they’d spent together had been a cruel hoax, and if Jaime hadn’t been murdered, he might not have seen her again. With his father’s influence, the damning pieces had fit together perfectly, but Ana had blown them apart

with the truth.

They were preparing to stop for lunch when a blue-uniformed policeman arrived at the door. Alejandro winked at Ana, and she responded with a slight nod.

The conversation at the front door could be easily overheard. “I’d no idea my chauffeur had any parking tickets. I’ll take care of them today,” Lucien said.

“It’s really the chauffeur’s responsibility,” the policeman insisted. “May I speak with him?”

“I’m sorry, but he’s left my employ.”

The policeman scribbled in his notebook. “I should make a note of his name.”

“René Charles,” Lucien replied. “If you’ll give me the tickets, I’ll see they’re paid.”

The policeman handed them to the designer, thanked him and left. Lucien shuffled the three tickets and placed them on the entry table before rejoining the others. “It looks as though René parked in the wrong zone when he stopped at your condo. It isn’t like him not to tell me, but I doubt I’ll ever see him again.”

“I hope they won’t cost you much money,” Ana exclaimed.

Lucien laughed at her dismay. “Please don’t worry. My sales are so good here in Barcelona, a few parking tickets are of no concern, although I’m surprised someone would come to my door to make inquiries. Perhaps the Spanish are always so thorough. Now I hope you’re hungry. I asked Etienne to make a vegetable dish he promises will be superb. Are you also a vegetarian, Alejandro?”

“No, but I’ve found everything Ana chooses is quite good, and I may become one someday. Right now, I bicycle to keep in shape, and I can’t do it on a carrot salad.”

“Will you excuse me?” Ana asked. “I need to change into my own clothes before we eat.”

Lucien nodded. “Of course, take your time.”

When the three reached the dining table, Lucien motioned for Ana to again take the seat on his right and put Alejandro on his left. As soon as they were served, Lucien concentrated on Ana. “I’m developing a perfume, a delightfully fresh and yet intoxicating blend of scents, and I’d love to feature you in the ads. You could do them now, and you wouldn’t have to stand. We’ll surround you in roses, orchids, all manner of colorful blooms, and all you’ll have to do is hold the elegant bottle and smile.”

“I don’t work exclusively for anyone,” Ann replied.

“You’ll be free to work with whomever you choose,” Lucien assured her. “I merely want you for the launch of the fragrance. We’re aiming for the fall to market during the holidays.”

“Aren’t there enough perfumes on sale now?” Alejandro asked, and he caught a bright spark of anger cross Lucien’s gaze. “Of course, I know nothing about ladies’ perfumes.”

“Apparently nothing about women at all,” Lucien countered. “Women never tire of shopping. When they become tired of a favorite scent, they want something new, something captivating. Ana’s face and figure are perfect for my new perfume.”

“So there’s always a market for perfume and shoes?” Alejandro surmised.

Lucien regarded him with a condescending smile. “Always. I love women and never tire of designing for them. Ana doesn’t drink while she works, but I should have offered you wine.”

“Thank you, but not today.” Alejandro asked a question about shoe manufacturing, and Lucien supplied such intricate details, they had finished lunch before he concluded.

“I can see you’re tired, my dear. I believe we have enough to work with today. I’ll speak to your agent about scheduling the perfume ads. We have the bottle now, a beauty of spun glass, and we could use it even while it’s empty.”

“Advertising always makes the product look better than it is,” Alejandro offered.

“I disagree,” Lucien countered. “I can’t guarantee happiness or success in love, but my name is synonymous with excellence. I hope you’ll forgive me, Ana, but I couldn’t resist getting a small present to thank you for the last two days.”

Alejandro squeezed her hand as they entered the living room. “Presents aren’t necessary, Lucien,” she told him.

“Gifts are a wonderful surprise, not a tiresome obligation.” He opened a small chest and removed a white box with a big silver bow. “I hope you don’t mind, Alejandro. Ana appears to be confused about her marital status, so I don’t feel as though I’m giving presents to another man’s wife.” He handed Ana the pretty box.
