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“I know it.” He grabbed her shoulders and kissed her forehead on his way out.

Chapter Twenty

Alejandro joined Ana and Lucien at their table. He kissed her cheek and took a chair. “I wanted to make certain you had a ride home. Hello, Mr. Lamoreaux. I hope the photos Pierre took of us are what you needed.” He slid his hand under the table to squeeze Ana’s knee.

Lucien appeared only mildly disconcerted. “Indeed they did. Would you care to join us for lunch?”

“No, I’ll wait for dessert. They have an incredible crema catalana here, don’t they?”

“Yes, it’s superb,” Ana replied. “Lucien believes I’d be the right photographer for a series of figure studies he’s envisioned, but I’m not sure I’m ready for such a big step.”

Alejandro responded with a wide grin. “Of course, you’re ready. Do you still have the photos of me on your camera?”

“I do. I always carry my camera so I don’t miss an opportunity to get something unique.” She hurried through the photos she’d taken on board the Mediterranean Siren and found the two of Alejandro. “I love this one of him curled over the table.”

Lucien nodded as he studied it. “This is a remarkable composition. Do you have more?”

“The one of me in bed is good. Go ahead and show him,” Alejandro urged.

Lucien’s face lit with a bright smile. “Yes, we could use this one. This is exactly what I want. You’d be handsome in any pose, Alejandro, but this candid photo is far more appealing than a posed nude would be.”

“You see.” Alejandro leaned over to hug Ana. “This would be a great opportunity to not only gain experience but to launch your new career. You should do it.”

She chewed her lip. “Your confidence is so flattering, Alejandro, but let me consider it, will you, Lucien?”

“Of course, and let’s meet again to discuss details when you decide to say yes.” He smiled as though she’d already agreed.

“I wish I had your confidence in my talent,” she remarked.

“Confidence is vital to any pursuit,” Lucien replied. “Wouldn’t you agree, Alejandro?”

“Indeed, I do.”

Alejandro finished his dessert first and watched as Ana licked her spoon. “I love desserts, so it’s a good thing I’m going to ride again this afternoon. It also takes my mind off the constant stress of running the Ortiz Line.”

“It must be a great burden,” Lucien offered. When they were ready to go, he offered his hand. “Thank you for your enthusiasm for my idea, Alejandro. I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon.”

As soon as they were seated in his SUV, Alejandro kissed Ana hard. “You played that so well, Lucien will never guess why you’re so reluctant to work with him.”

She looked at him askance. “You overdid it with the encouragement, or do you actually believe I’d care more about my career than catching a murderer?”

“You’re not going to do it, so I made it look as though I were on Lucien’s side. It was an act on both our parts.”

“Really? Didn’t you refuse to be bait for Montoya—and now you’re eager to go out and ride?”

“I did, but I’ve reconsidered. Working with Lucien really would build your photography career. Unfortunately, it’s far too dangerous to even consider. I want him caught before you’ve taken a single photo for him.”

“What about you? It’s too dangerous for you to ride hoping René Charles will pursue you again. What if he shot at you rather than attempt to crowd you off the road?”

Already on guard, he studied his rearview mirror. “It has to be difficult to shoot a cyclist.”

“Undoubtedly, unless he’s a good shot.”

He glanced toward her. “He used a knife on Jaime.”

“So what? Maybe he has a wealth of lethal weapons. He could blow poison darts at you.”

He reached over to give her hand a loving squeeze. “Have you always had such a lively imagination?”
