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Ana nodded. She was well-acquainted with designers’ passionate love for their own work. “It should be another beautiful day for a shoot.”

“I hope so. Jaime and I talked about having you girls run along the arched arcades, breathless, laughing. It will put more excitement in my gowns.” He reached for her hand. “You inspire me, Ana. I want to work with you on my next collection.”

Growing uneasy, Ana slipped her hand from his and grabbed her limeade. “I enjoy working with you too.”

He lowered his voice. “I want you to be my muse, to be in my studio so I can design first for you, and you’ll be the star of the collection.”

Appalled by the idea, she struggled to find a sad smile. “That’s so flattering, Galen, and I’ll work with you when I can, but I don’t work exclusively for any designer.”

“Don’t reject the idea out of hand. I intend to make it very profitable for you. Stay with me when the others fly home tomorrow afternoon and give me a chance to convince you.”

The warm glow filling his glance made it clear he was suggesting something more personal than mere conversation. “Aren’t your wife and children expecting you to be home tomorrow?”

He sat back in his chair. “I can tell them I’ve decided to stay an extra day if you will.”

He didn’t appear to feel guilty for offering to lie, which disgusted her all the more. “I have someone waiting for me to come home, so I can’t stay. I don’t date married men anyway, Galen, so let’s concentrate on work rather than our personal lives.”

He picked up his sketchbook. “Forgive me if I’ve insulted you. You’ll still join us for dinner, won’t you?”

“Yes, the food here is very good.” She could have taken a flight home that afternoon, but she wouldn’t cancel a day of work. She carried her limeade out to the courtyard and took a chair facing the sea.

Some designers were over-friendly, and she was used to the way they fussed with the fit of their fashions in a blatant excuse to fondle her. This was the first time a designer had propositioned her, though. She’d pretend it hadn’t happened. She could do it convincingly too. Perhaps her acting skills really were good enough to play a small role in an Almodóvar film, although she couldn’t see herself as a movie star.

She tried Alejandro again, and he answered. “How are you?” he asked.

“I’m fine, but it’s been a strange couple of days.”

“Are the models being temperamental?”

“No more than usual, but location shoots always pose challenges. How are you?”

“I’ve been better. Took the bike out this morning, and a truck cut me off at the corner.”

Her heart dropped. “Were you hurt?”

“I’ve a few scrapes, but no broken bones. I reacted quickly enough to save my bike.”

She imagined him a bloody mess. “Is that your idea of humor?”

“No, it’s titanium, and they aren’t cheap. When are you coming home?”

“Tomorrow night, but I won’t come to see you if you should be resting.”

His voice was low. “You could rest with me.”

“Enticing thought.” She needed to talk with him, and perhaps she could work up to it. “What if I bring dinner?”

“That would be good. I haven’t had time to take cooking lessons yet.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Friday morning went well, and, the shoot over, Ana joined the others in flying home. Fatima welcomed her with a hug, and Romeo and Juliet scooted by in a rush. “Could they have already grown?”

“I think so,” Fatima replied. “I have to feed them separately, or Romeo will eat Juliet’s food. You can’t have one enormous cat and one little tiny one.”

“They’re still little and cute, so this is the time to find them a home. It sounds as though you’ve become attached to them. Wouldn’t you and Bruno like to have them?”

The housekeeper’s gaze narrowed. “I told you I’m not fond of cats, and I haven’t changed my mind. Give me your laundry, and I’ll run a load before I go.”
