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She studied him in the mirror. He ran his hands over her hips and up between her legs to pull away the

thong. Their reflections magnified the thrill of his slow caresses, and she leaned into him.

“Oh damn.” He left her to get a condom from his pants pocket. “Hold this for me so I can touch you.”

She placed a kiss in his palm before she took it. “Let’s put on some music.” She turned on a romantic piece she loved for dancing and swayed as she returned to him. “Do you like to dance?”

He shrugged. “I’m not very good at it.”

“I’ll teach you after I learn to ride a bike.” She looped her arms around his neck and pulled his lower lip gently through her teeth. When she turned back to the chair, he leaned over her, wrapped his arms around her waist and slid his fingertips through the soft heart on her mound. Her moisture smoothed every stroke.

The mirror gave her a provocative view, and the luscious music swirled around them to create an exotic rendezvous. Craving his intimate touch, she relaxed against him and pretended they were floating in the sea. When he asked for the condom, she’d forgotten it lay in her hand.

He used it, bent his knees to ease into her, and, braced against the chair, she pushed back to take him deep. He swirled her hair around his wrist to lift her head and kissed her. He rocked her slowly, diving in and pulling back with a heartbeat’s steady rhythm. She watched him in the mirror. With his ebony hair, he could have been another of her lovers, but she wouldn’t let memory blur his image. He was always so gentle, as though he feared she’d break, and she loved his lazy loving. He coaxed her with a deep thrust only to withdraw and pleasure her with his hand. She hung on to the chair and closed her eyes to simply feel without the distracting view.

He made her so warm her whole body felt slippery. She was so close, teetering on the rim, and then tensed as with another thrust, he sent a searing orgasm jolting through her. She felt his body throb deep within hers and savored the thrill until only the chair kept her standing. When he picked her up and carried her into her bedroom, she was amazed he still had the strength to lift her.

The room was painted a pale lavender, decorated with lace and puffed pillows and a white rug as soft as a cloud. He set her down only long enough to pull back the wide bed’s duvet and top sheet and eased her down beside him. “I want to hold you all night.”

She snuggled against him. “I’ll not set the alarm and make you go.” Romeo clawed up the end of the bed and jumped around them in frantic circles. “Damn,” she sighed. “I forgot the kittens.”

“Give me a minute, and I’ll feed them,” he promised, but the kittens had already fallen asleep by the time he was awake enough to remember.

Alejandro stood by the window when Ana woke Sunday morning. She stretched lazily and blew him a kiss. He was already dressed, and she wouldn’t beg him to come back to bed. “Good morning.”

He sat down beside her and smoothed her hair out of her eyes. “I like waking up with you, but I have a project to finish before tomorrow. I’ll try and see you at the beginning of the week. You finally gave me your number so I can call you.”

He was so earnest she couldn’t mistake his architecture assignment for an excuse to avoid her indefinitely. “Please do. Monday, I have a job that will probably take the whole day, but maybe we can have dinner together if you’re not too tired.”

He laughed and leaned down to kiss her. “Drawing blueprints isn’t as exhausting as spending the night with you, but this is a good kind of exhaustion.”

“I know.” She stretched and hugged her pillow. She longed to tell him the truth, was finally anxious to do so and promised herself she’d do it Monday night. “There’s something I need to talk to you about, but it can wait until the next time I see you.”

“You don’t have some deadly disease, do you?”

He looked horrified, and she sat up to hug him. “No, of course not. Please don’t worry.”

He returned her squeeze and stood. “I wish I didn’t have to leave and we could go to El Gato this afternoon and on down to the port.”

“Next Sunday,” she replied. She covered a wide yawn and slipped back under the covers. “See you soon.”

He kissed her cheek and left without disturbing the dozing kittens on the foot of the bed.

Sunday night, Alejandro picked up his cell phone on the first ring hoping it was Ana, and was disappointed to hear his father’s voice. He couldn’t ignore the call, or the man would persist in annoying him until he answered. It was better to get the conversation over now. “Hello. How is everyone?”

“We’re all fine. I called to ask about you. Are you and Ana still dating?”

Alejandro drew in a deep breath. His father had a lengthy list of women he regarded as suitable mates for his eldest son, and Alejandro had never liked any of them. “Yes. I’m fine and so is Ana.”

“Good. Is she also studying architecture?”

“No, she’s a photographer.”

“Really? I need you to come to the office tomorrow morning. There’s something I have to show you. I’m sure you can work it into your schedule.”

Instantly wary, Alejandro sat up straight. “What is it?”

“It’s too involved to describe on the phone, but it will only take a few minutes of your time. You’ll thank me, I’m sure.”
