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His heart sank. “When Miguel was alive, you couldn’t tell them apart?”

“I hate to disappoint you, but we were never a ménage a trois. If you have any other questions, ask Santos.”

He got up and paced by the bed. “I doubt he’d enjoy the conversation any more than I would. Maybe I should meet him, just to say I’d shaken hands with a matador. I need to check on the details for the cruise. You must have a passport.”

“I do. It’s in my office desk. Fatima knows where it is.”

“I’ll get it Thursday when I pick up your clothes. Do you want me to bring you anything?”

“Some chocolate, please, but don’t go out of your way.”

He kissed her brow. “I’ll find something good.”

> Even his lightest touch brought a teasing tingle that made Ana wish for more, even if she weren’t well enough to do more than kiss him back. She struggled to fluff her pillow and was sorry she’d not asked him to bring one from home. He’d been so accommodating, and she didn’t want to take advantage. Still, she wished she’d thought about a softer pillow sooner. She simply wasn’t cut out for bed rest. After he had gone and Maja brought her some juice, she was grateful for her company.

“Where’s Prince Charming?” the nurse asked.

“He’s running errands. He must have lots to do if he’s not going to stay with me. All the people here are wonderful, but I’ll be so glad to leave.”

Maja moved the visitor chair back to the wall. “That’s our mission. We want everyone to feel good about going home.”

While Alejandro waited for the elevator, a man wearing a white doctor’s coat and holding a clipboard came through the stairwell door at the end of the hall. He was about six feet tall with shaggy blond hair and a burly build. While Alejandro possessed no psychic traits, he had a very bad feeling. The man wore no identification badge attached to his pocket. Alejandro took a backwards step into his way. “Maybe you can answer a question for me, Doctor.”

The man brushed by him. “Sorry, not today.”

Alejandro watched him walk on down the hallway toward Ana’s room and alerted the nurses at the desk. “Call security.”

“Wait a minute!” he called and loped down the corridor to overtake him, but just as the man reached Ana’s room, Maja came out carrying an empty tray. The man caught the nurse’s arm, flung her into Alejandro, and the tray clattered to the floor. Sidestepping the spinning tray, Alejandro caught Maja before she fell, and the white-coated man darted through the exit doorway at that end of the corridor.

Maja grabbed hold of Alejandro’s arms to regain her balance. “Who was that?” she cried.

“Someone who shouldn’t have been here.” He looked into Ana’s room. “Are you all right?”

“Of course. You left only a minute ago. What’s going on out there?”

Two uniformed security guards came sprinting from the elevator, and Alejandro pointed them toward the exit door. “He’s a big blond guy in a doctor’s coat.”

Alejandro picked up the tray and handed it to Maja. “Did he hurt you?”

She straightened her uniform. “He just rattled my teeth, that’s all. He’ll be on the security cameras. They’ll catch him.”

“I hope so.” He went into Ana’s room and gave her a quick account of the scuffle in the hall. “I’m calling Montoya. Maybe the guy is an ambitious paparazzo, but he could have been someone more dangerous.”

“A big blond guy you said? Ask Montoya to bring the S&M photos from Campos’s studio. There was a blond with a mask, but maybe you can recognize him from his build.”

“I will, and as soon as we’ve talked to Montoya, I’m taking you out of here,” he said, his tone emphatic.

A wide yawn took her both hands to cover. “It would be so nice to go home, if they’ll let me.”

“Not home. We’ll board the Siren a few days early.”

She cocked her head slightly. “Can we do that?”

He laughed and kissed her. “It’s an Ortiz ship, Ana. I can do whatever I like.”

“I suppose that’s good.” She caught his hand as he drew back.

“You don’t look convinced.”
