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“It’s Alejandro.” He returned the captain’s firm grip and glanced toward Ana who was looking over her shoulder. He should have introduced her as his bride, but hesitated as he searched for the proper words for the fanciful lie.

“My husband appears to have forgotten my name. I’m Ana.”

The captain frowned slightly. “We didn’t speak the day you were here shooting a clothing ad, but aren’t you usually blonde?”

“Usually. It’s so nice to meet you. Commanding this ship has to be a great responsibility, and we won’t be in the way. Will we, Alejandro?”

“No, of course, not,” he agreed.

The captain clasped his hands behind his back. “We provide all our passengers with exemplary service, but if there’s anything special you require, Mrs. Vasquez, don’t hesitate to let me know. We don’t begin the formal dinners until we sail. I hope you won’t mind dining here in your cabin until then.”

From the moment Ana had spoken, Captain Reyes had addressed his comments to her, and Alejandro swiftly grew annoyed. “We’re fine here, and I won’t keep you from your duties.”

Reyes nodded. “Perhaps I’ll see you on deck tomorrow.”

Ana replied before Alejandro could. “I’ll look forward to it.”

Alejandro nodded a quick good-bye and closed the door. “He was flirting with you.”

“Oh my God, this is Tuesday, isn’t it? But I’m in no mood for a fight. I couldn’t see him well enough to tell, and your family owns the ship, so he has to be accommodating. Men like to flirt with me, Alejandro, and while I don’t flirt back, I can’t be rude or my professional reputation will suffer. People have to describe me to their friends as one of the nicest women they’ve ever met. We probably should have had this discussion earlier, but when I didn’t want to be recognized, there wasn’t a problem. Maybe I should stay in hiding as a Goth girl for the cruise.”

He opened the refrigerator and took out the bottle of nuts. He poured himself a handful, began with the pecans and ate them slowly. “You’re right. Any man who marries a beautiful woman should expect men to flirt with her. I just don’t want Captain Reyes fawning over you.”

“Come here and kiss me.”

He brushed off his hands and complied. “How far are you willing to go to distract me?”

“How much distraction do you need?”

“An enormous amount apparently.”

“Since I can barely pucker my lips, I’ll have to owe you.” She raised her hands to cover a wide yawn. “I’m sorry. I think the pain pills make me sleepy. Cruises are supposed to be relaxing, but…”

He kissed her again, slowly, tenderly, and straightened up. “I’m going down to the kitchen to see what they’re serving tonight. It won’t be one of the spectacular meals they’ll have when we sail. I could get us something else while we’re still in port.”

“Soup is all I’ll need, and a soft drink. Pain meds and alcohol don’t mix.”

“What about some warm bread and butter?”

“Hmm…that does sound good. Maybe some ice cream?”

He gave her another kiss and went straight to the bridge rather than the kitchen. From there, he was directed to Captain Reyes’s cabin. The door was open. “Captain, do you have a moment?”

Reyes left his desk and welcomed him in. “I read about your wife’s accident. Does she have health concerns you didn’t wish to discuss in front of her?”

“Rest is all she requires, and she’d prefer whatever privacy you can afford her rather than your solicitous attention.”

The captain folded his arms across his chest. “We provide everyone on board with solicitous attention, Mr. Vasquez. As I’m sure you’re well aware, it’s what makes the Ortiz Line so popular.”

Alejandro gritted his teeth. “Attention can be overly tiring, and Ana needs rest.”

A slow smile teased the corner of the captain’s mouth as he nodded. “As you wish.”

Alejandro doubted he had accomplished anything other than to make himself look ridiculous, and he headed for the kitchen without further delay. Although he’d not sailed on the Siren in years, he recognized the chef and was relieved their meals wouldn’t be a concern.

A steward brought their dinner on a rolling table, and Ana thought the potato soup was especially good. She buttered a piece of the warm bread. “This is perfect. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“You’re welcome.” Alejandro had a chicken dish with a buttery crust. “You have to try this.” He scooped up a taste on a spoon, but she raised her hand.
