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“I’m a vegetarian, remember?”

Embarrassed, he laid his fork on his plate. “I’m sorry.”

“I’ve lost whole days, so you needn’t apologize for missing a few details when there’s so much to learn about each other. I hope you won’t mind my asking about money. You’ve told me it isn’t a concern, but do you have a trust fund or some other way to receive money from the Ortiz Line?”

He took another bite of chicken before answering. “When my parents divorced, my mother received an enormous settlement and put most of the money in an account for me, so I’d be independent when I reached twenty-one. ‘Escape’ my father’s control, is the way she put it. She made wise investments, and the money keeps growing. It’s not an inexhaustible fund, but more than enough for us to live comfortably. You should keep your money in your present accounts. It’s yours.”

“So I can escape being under your control?”

He reached across the table for her hand. “I’m not ever going to try to control you, Ana. What would be the fun in that?”

“I agree, but some people are into it.” She finished her soup and looked up. “I’m sorry, the word control sent my mind straight to S&M and then on to Mapplethorpe’s nudes. Do you remember Gian Carlo telling us Jaime had asked him to pose for the nude project, but couldn’t supply the name of a gallery interested or a publisher for a book? He said something about having the money to do it, but Gian Carlo didn’t want any part of such a vague deal. If Jaime had a silent partner with enough money for him to complete the project, publish and promote it, shouldn’t he be a suspect? People are often murdered over money.”

He focused on his plate. “Montoya must be looking into Jaime’s finances. There would have been a contract, wouldn’t there?”

“I suppose. It was just an idea that crossed my mind. It doesn’t mean it’s true.”

“You told me you didn’t mind being alone with your own thoughts, but I hope you’re not dwelling on the murder. Please forget Jaime Campos and concentrate on getting well.”

She leaned back in her chair. “I’m working on it, but

my leg won’t heal any faster regardless of my thoughts. Could we go out on the balcony when we’re finished?”

“Of course.” He left the table to slide open the door and rolled her out into the night. The air was still comfortably warm. He pulled a chair up beside her and held her hand.

“Speaking of thoughts, you still owe me a proposal.”

He sucked in a breath. “I’m sorry. The day got away from me.”

“It needn’t be perfect, Alejandro. I’ve already said yes.”

He brought her fingers to his lips. “You did.” The port was ablaze with light for the night shifts, and he could see clearly. He wanted to keep Ana and wished it hadn’t become so damn complicated. Dr. Pallares’s request they keep her pregnancy secret for a while had made sense at the time, but he was hiding too much to feel comfortable about it now.

“I wish we could dance. They do have dancing on board the Siren, don’t they?” she asked.

“It’s part of the romance and fantasy of the voyage. We want this to be the best vacation our passengers have ever had, so they’ll come back as often as they possibly can.”

“I earn my living projecting a fantasy, but let’s make a pact not to spin fantasies around each other.”

Already guilty, he leaned close to spread a light trail of kisses along her jaw. “You’re wearing the same Goth wig you wore when we met, so I’d say some fantasies can be a good thing.”

“True, but…”

He ran his fingertips down her arm. “I don’t want you to get cold. Let’s go in.”

She caught his hand. “I am tired. Stay up and watch movies—whatever you want to do. You won’t wake me when you come to bed.”

“First, we have to get you there. There are women among the staff, and some will already be on board. I should have arranged to have a maid for you earlier.”

“Alejandro, please, I don’t need a lady’s maid. Just roll me into the bathroom and I’ll take care of myself. I can grab hold of the sink or wall for balance.” She pulled off her black wig and shook out her hair.

“No, there’s too great a chance you’ll fall and hurt yourself worse than you already are. If you don’t want me to call someone, I’ll help you myself.”

“Absolutely not. I feel better than I did when we left the hospital, and I don’t want to star in my own reality show.”

He raised his hand. “I won’t look. I promise.”

“You’re very sweet, but no, bathrooms are off limits. If you must, go find some willing female to play maid.”
