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“So had I. The stars must have aligned, or fate filled the other tables so I’d have to share yours.”

She rubbed her bottom across his erection. “What if I hadn’t come back?”

He brushed his hand over her breasts and plucked her nipples. “You would have come back.”

“I wanted to, but I didn’t allow my imagination to go this far. This is all a luscious surprise.”

“For us both.” He dipped his head to kiss her bruised shoulder.

She grabbed hold of the sink. His touch always made her feel cherished, and she leaned into his kisses. His hands were callused, and his rough palms tickled as he lowered her suit. He helped her hop out of it and tossed it over the shower door. “I told you I didn’t need a maid.”

“I may be a rather clumsy maid, but you definitely need me.”

“You’re my lover, Alejandro, not a maid.”

He wrapped her in his arms and hugged her tight. “I’m also your husband. How well can you see us in the mirror?”

“Well enough. You’re tan and I’m pale, and we blend into each other very nicely, harmoniously.”

“We should have photos made in this pose,” he teased.

“With a mirror behind us too, the image would repeat like an echo.” She closed her eyes and tilted her head against his shoulder. “Just for us though, no one else.” He slid his hand between her legs and rubbed her gently. “That feels so good, but I can’t touch you while I’m hanging on to the sink.”

“We’ll take turns,” he promised. He loosened his hold on her to shake off his trunks. He had condoms in his shaving kit sitting on the counter, donned one and eased into her.

Caught between him and the sink, she could barely move, but the sensations he created with slow, gentle lunges took her to the brink of release before he paused to ease them both down to an anxious calm. It was such delicious torture. She wiggled against him and clenched her inner muscles to pull him deep.

“Slow is better,” he breathed against her ear. He crossed his hands over her chest and fondled her breasts tenderly. His thumbs brushed her nipples in time with his surging hips.

She curved her spine to roll her back against his chest, slanted her shoulders to brush against him and closed her eyes to savor the joy they created so easily. It had to be more than mere chemistry and a deeper, stronger link. “Ah, that’s it, stay right there,” she nearly purred. He rocked back on his heels, and a final thrust sent her tumbling into perfect bliss. She locked her arms over his to ride his orgasm and doubled her own. Heat flooded her limbs to her fingers and toes, and it took a long while for her jagged breathing to slow.

Alejandro carried her to the bed and kept her in a warm embrace until their stomachs began to growl, and laughing, they remembered they had to eat.

On Friday, Ana had an early morning appointment with Dr. Higareda. His office was located in a medical building adjacent to the hospital, and after parking, Alejandro unfolded the wheelchair and helped her into it. “I don’t think you’ll need this much longer.”

“I hope not.” Her vision was nearly perfect, but rather than tell him, she waited so she could gauge his true reaction to her scar. She also loved watching him apply her mascara. He moved slowly, as though he were restoring a treasured piece of art rather than helping her with makeup. She shouldn’t have worried, however, because when the physician removed her stitches, Alejandro’s expression was one of mild surprise rather than anguished alarm.

Dr. Higareda was ecstatic. “The scar is so faint, it will soon disappear. I’ll refrain from asking you for an endorsement of my work, but I’m sorely tempted.” He gave her a hand mirror. “I’m sure you’ll be pleased.”

She had to gather the courage to look, but the thin pink line on her cheek struck her as a glaring flaw. She

worked in a world where perfection mattered, and when her skin fully healed, she could cover the scar with makeup, but she’d still know it was there. Thinking she was lucky it wasn’t worse, she forced a smile. “Thank you. I’ll talk to you about using my photo when we come back from Greece. Unless it has to be taken right now.”

“For my files only today,” the physician assured her. He took photos at several angles. “You’re sure to have a wonderful time on your cruise. The pastries on the Ortiz Line are the best I’ve ever eaten. All the food is good, but the pastries are lighter than an angel’s caress. The pestiños bathed in honey syrup are beyond compare.”

“I can’t wait to taste them,” Ana assured him. She had his card and promised to call when they came home. They returned to the ship before the passengers had begun to board, but there was far greater activity along the dock as the final supplies were loaded.

She wouldn’t complain in front of Alejandro, but being scarred hurt more than she’d ever reveal. “It was so nice having the ship all to ourselves,” she said. “I brought my red wig as well as the Goth girl. Maybe I should wear a disguise.”

“You could alternate. People would think I’d brought two women on the cruise.”

“The wheelchair would give it away. I hope I’ll be enough for you no matter what color my hair.”

He pushed her chair out on their cabin balcony so they could watch the activity below. “Of course you’re enough. We already agreed we’d be faithful, and you’re far more likely to attract admirers.”

“They’re drawn to the illusion, not the real me. Do you suppose the chef has already baked the pestiños Dr. Higareda loves?”

“Yes. Would you like to send him some?”
