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“You own the ship, Mr. Vasquez, so you’d simply be paying yourself. I’ll waive the fee. There will be flowers in the chapel and champagne on ice. If you speak to the chef about the cake, he’ll have it ready.”

“I’ll do it tomorrow.” He hadn’t realized a wedding on board could be planned so easily, and that accomplished, he walked on deck until he was sure Ana had had time for a brief nap.

When he came through the door, she sat up and pushed her hair out of her eyes. “What did the captain say?”

“I would have come back sooner had I known you were so worried. No one has joined the crew who resembles the man I saw, so you can relax.”

“Not unless you come here and relax with me.” She slid back under the covers.

He shrugged off his clothes and joined her in the wide, comfortable bed. “Is it too warm in here for you? The temperature is easy to adjust.”

She snuggled against him. “It isn’t nearly warm enough, but your heat will do.”

He hugged her closer. “I’m sorry I ever have to let you go. I’ve been happier with you than I’ve ever been. That’s what I said when I asked you to marry me.”

She brushed a fingertip across his lips. “You didn’t promise to make me equally happy?”

“Yes, there was more to it. I wish I could remember it all.”

“So do I.” She kissed him with sweet, tender nibbles and his passionate response took her breath away. She loved kissing him, holding him, feeling the hairy roughness of his body against the smoothness of her own. He turned her to her side to spoon her. “I’m so pleasantly numb from the pain meds, you won’t hurt me,” she murmured.

“Let’s not take the chance.” He nuzzled her neck, drew her hand to his lips and sucked on her fingertips. “All of you tastes so good.”

“You too. Maybe we’re simply a successful accident of chemistry.”

He nibbled her earlobe. “I’m very good at chemistry.”

She giggled and pushed her bottom against his erection. “Show me.”

“We have all night. Let’s not hurry.” He circled his palms over her silk-covered nipples. “You have gorgeous breasts.”

Other men had also said so, but the softness to his voice made him sound doubly sincere. “Thank you. I like all of you, but your light eyes are especially handsome.”

“Not strange or weird?”

She curved her back to rub against his chest. “There’s nothing strange about you.” She pulled his hand to her mouth to taste his fingers. “You taste like toothpaste.”

He silenced his laugh in her hair. “You’re more of a vanilla flavor.”

She brushed her hand along the easy curve of hip and felt his muscles tense. They fit together no matter what their pose, and he knew where to touch her, and when to pull away to leave her eager for more. His breath quickened, and she understood he’d teased himself along with her. She pushed against him as he entered her and clenched her muscles to lure him deep. The next time he pressed her clit, an orgasm caught her with a blinding flash. She rocked against his hips to push him over the edge and felt his body shudder as he came.

Thoroughly loved, she savored the afterglow and laced her fingers in his. “Let’s always be this close.”

He squeezed her fingers. “Always.”

Alejandro had closed the accordion partition to separate their bedroom from the sitting room, but the delicious aroma from the breakfast cart woke her. She moved off the bed and hopped around it to catch hold of the partition’s recessed handle. He shoved it open just as she did, and she toppled into his arms. She laughed and grabbed hold of his shoulders.

“I meant to serve you breakfast in bed, but since you’re up…”

“No one’s ever served me breakfast in bed. I’ll go right back so you can carry on with your original plan.”

He scooped her into his arms. “I don’t want you to fall on the way.”

He was dressed in jeans and a dress shirt, already clean-shaven and looked as though he’d been awake for hours. She didn’t even try to finger comb her tangled hair, and because his loving had wrinkled her silk gown, she didn’t apologize for looking rumpled when it was all his doing.

He pushed back the partition, rolled the breakfast cart up to the bed and placed the silver tray in her lap. “I thought the french toast with blueberries sounded good, but there are muffins, eggs, grapefruit, tea. Is there anything else you’d like?”

“You’re like a genie, Alejandro.”
