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“Indeed. Henry, my husband, is in commercial real estate, and he sucks up to Deal at every opportunity.”

“Does your husband know a real estate guy named Charlie Crow?”

Tatiana rolled her eyes. “God, yes! I’ve had to suffer through two dinner parties with that man, one in his apartment and one here. Did you know his wife used to be a stripper?”

“I didn’t, but I’m not shocked. I’ve had occasion to learn a little about him recently, and I’m glad I don’t have to do business with him.”

“Henry was happy to do business with him. He invested his firm’s money in two Charlie Crow projects, and I’m sure he’s never going to see a dime of it again. Crow is in some sort of financial difficulty, Henry said, and he’s frantic that he’s been had by Crow.”

“You remember Barton Cabot, from last evening?”

“Of course.”

“Well, Barton was Crow’s commanding officer when they were in the Marines, and he has just as low an opinion of him as you do.”

“Barton was in the Marines?”

“Yes, a career officer, until he ran afoul of a superi


“He looks more like a slightly faded movie star,” she said.

“That’s a good description. You’d probably think his younger brother looks like the current item.”

“Mmmm, I think I’d like to meet the younger brother.”

“No, you wouldn’t; he’s a spy and, as such, completely untrustworthy. Well, nearly completely. You can trust Lance to make the right decision if it’s in his own best interest.”

Tatiana laughed aloud. “That sounds very much like Henry!” She furrowed her brow. “You know, I think he may be having me followed.”

“Then we’ll leave through the garden,” Stone said. He looked at his watch. “I think we can go now, if you like.” He took out his cell phone, speed-dialed Elaine’s and made a reservation.

They walked into the garden, then to Stone’s house and out the front door. Ten minutes later, they were at Elaine’s. They had not been there more than five minutes when Tatiana suddenly held up her menu to hide her face.

“You’re not going to believe this,” she said, “but my husband just walked in.”

Stone looked up. “The one with the blonde?”

“Yes, with the blonde.”

“I know her. She’s an actress of sorts. She doesn’t work much, but she always seems to have money. There are many rumors about her.”

“Trust Henry to choose somebody like that,” she said.

“Actually, this is good. You should let him see you.”

She looked horrified. “Why?”

“Because New York is not a no-fault state where divorce is concerned. If he were here alone, he might think about accusing you of adultery, seeing you with me. As it is, you’ve both canceled out that option. If he sues you, claiming adultery, you can do the same to him. I’ll be your witness, and your lawyer could dig up enough dirt on her to make Henry’s life miserable.”

Tatiana put down her menu, caught her husband’s eye and waved gaily. Henry did an about-face and hustled his date out of the restaurant.

“I think you’ve just improved your chances for a negotiated settlement,” Stone said.


Stone let them into his house and locked the door behind him.
