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“And who’s the heavy gent with the elegant wife?” Eggers asked.

“Lord and Lady Wight. You remember my painter friend, Sarah?”

“I remember you hustling us out of her gallery opening the night the place was bombed,” Eggers said.

“The Wights are Sarah’s parents.”

“Now that I think of it, he’s a big developer in the UK, isn’t he?”

“He was; then he wasn’t. Now he is again, I’m told.”

“Someone mentioned him as a possible client,” Eggers said.

“I’d be happy to introduce you,” Stone said. “Let’s wend our way over to the fireplace, where he’s warming his backside.”

And they did.


They found Wight before the fireplace, momentarily alone.

“Lord Wight,” Stone said, “I’d like to introduce you to Mr. William Eggers.”

Wight nodded. “Howjado?”

“Bill is the managing partner of the law firm of Woodman and Weld. I’m of counsel to the firm.”

“Oh, yes,” Wight said, suddenly interested. “I believe someone in London mentioned your firm to me in a favorable light.”

“That’s very gratifying,” Eggers said.

“Perhaps we should have a chat in more businesslike surroundings.”

“If you’re going to be in New York a few days, why don’t you come up to our offices and have lunch with Stone and me?”

“I’d like that,” Wight said. “Are you available tomorrow?”

“I am,” Eggers replied, “and I’m sure Stone is, too.”

“Of course,” Stone said.

“We’re in the Seagram Building on Park Avenue,” Eggers said. “May we say twelve-thirty tomorrow?”

“Very good,” Wight replied. “I know the building, of course.”

The butler stood at the door. “The ambassador invites you to rejoin the ladies,” he said more quietly than usual.

As Stone was leaving the study, Smith materialized at his elbow. “A word?” he said.

Stone remained in the study with him while the others made their way out. “Certainly,” he replied.

“Are you aware of Lord Wight’s former relationship to Stanley Whitestone?”

“I’ve heard it mentioned,” Stone said. “Are you sure it’s former?”

“Lord Wight has been at some pains the past few years to make it seem so.”

“Perhaps all is not what it seems,” Stone pointed out.
